Friday, December 24, 2010

See other blogs

I have a lot to say. For this and others reasons, I am separating my blogs. For topics relating to The Great Shalom Broadcast (, I now have a new blog at For local congregation issues, there is now another: You know, I have a website for training and consulting for professional educators, mostly in early childhood, and that site is There will soon be blogging on that one too. Please participate. Please share.

And therefore, this one will be more focussed on home education, homeschooling, unschooling -- you know what I mean, parents providing education for their children.

Love, and Merry Christmas, Sharon Sarles

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Important Christmas Tradition Idea

Children can each contribute a small performance for the Christmas eve celebration.

In my book, Learn at Home for Great Shalom, I talk about how important memory work is. A recitation or a music contribution will spur the children to achievment and provide a way to celebrate them and their work, as well as that of our Savior!

Merry Christmas to all!

Last Minute Crafts for Christmas Season

My mother always had a Christmas craft planned for my sister and I every Christmas season, while we were off school. Many of these were very memorable and useful. I can clearly remember some that became Christmas ornaments. However, many moms today, struggling with full-time employment and without my mother's training education, may find themselves at a loss. Thanks to Twitter, I have found a number of great ideas. Here are some:
Teach_Preschool Toilet Paper Roll Snowman
#ece #preschool #teachpreschool

KCAAPreschools Holiday Painting for Toddlers
h2EiNZ #ece #preschool #teachpreschool RT @Teach_Preschool

kennyconley Getting ready to setup the nativity... Or as Sara said
"pulling Jesus out of the box." Just about anything with Nativity Scenes can be educational and spiritual formation. I made a set from toilet paper rolls and wrapping paper with my daugther. I made a set with styrofoam, an old tablecloth and lots of copper paint with my mother. Dad made a decopage set that was life-sized and with yard stakes and spotlights became our major outside decoration.
Sometimes the trick with a larger homeschool family is to find one activity that can be engaged in at different ages. Any of these might work, if the work is divided up thoughtfully, and with an eye to safety.

For the youngest of children, I like Fischer-Price's nativity scene. Not an advertisement for the company, but I do think nativity scenes - and Noah's ark can be good play things for tots. And their's is safe, while some traditional sets break or might have paint that was unsafe for little mouths.

Greenmoms Simple Holiday Entertaining Tips (Easy and Kid-
Friendly): (This is an interview with author and chef Lulu Power...

Teach_Preschool Holiday Painting for Toddlers
#ece #preschool #teachpreschool

Please share your ideas, too.

Time for rain barrels

The evangelist, when coming to a town where a prayer meeting for rain was called, asked why no one had brought an umbrella.

We have been asking for the rain of heaven, an outpouring. It is high time to get some rain barrels. The skies are dark. Lowering, and have been.

Time to take your home for God. Time to take your classroom for God. Time to take your country for God.

How? only the same way we enter and keep the kingdom: love, joy, and peace. This is how we act. How we take though, is in faith-filled prayer. Read the Scripture, order it up (sending the angels out to bring in what is necessary), and thank God the Father for it. And then keep thanking God. Don't waver in faith. Period. Amen.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Christmas as a time of giving service

I commented that teachers in the public, putatively secular, system, can likewise initiate service learning projects. We need to teach altruism again.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Wisdom : What does it look like?

Wisdom: What does it look like?
It looks like being a doer of the Word.
It looks like being a good mother, worker, child -- depending on one's role.
What do you think are some foremost visions of wisdom that people in general need to have set before them? What are the issues where we most need to consider acting more wisely? Please comment.

Craziness of Junk Food Industry

organicconnect The Times exposes the craziness of the junk-
food industry/USDA alliance #Junk #Food #USDA #Times #Health #Organic

Please indulge the link. This came on Twitter and I just finished next Monday's broadcast on God Wants Health, so I'm thinking about the obvious wisdom of adopting good eating -- and not being led down the road to destruction that our whole culture has taken.

For sure the junk food industry is crazy. Worse crazy is people who have been willing to trade health for convenience. Not very convenient when you get the results.

Did people really not know that fake fat and lots of sugar and no vegetables was a bad road? Adamant ignorance sounds like a cover for bad choices to me.

I realize sometimes we really don't know. So, let's do what we can to share with our friends.

It is a duty, as least for moms, to research what a healthy menu is. It would be better, too, if we ALL assumed our duties as altruistic citizens, consider the common good before our own convenience, too, so we share.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Suggestions for Essay Writing for Christian Student Entering Junior College

I woke up this morning with some ideas on how to help you in your writing and arguing. Although I certainly do not have time to be typing this all out this morning, the feeling was that this was important and useful, harvestable, so here goes – quickly dashed.

Let's use just three headings: aim/tone, word choice & semantics, and argument/organization. Attention to these, or growth in these, will make you more able in putting forth your point. Certainly writing like this will gain you higher grades. More importantly, making these habits will cause people to listen to you more carefully. Isn't that what you want: to persuade?


Always keep in mind what your goal is. You goal is to persuade, right? High emotions tend to distract. Thus the aim of the communication sounds like you want to tell people how stupid they are. Or you want to simply vent. Keeping in mind the higher aim of communicating for the benefit of those you are writing or speaking to will make your rhetoric better.

[We say “argumentation” in academia, but that word has a negative connotation outside academia. I just mean declarative communication that attempts to put out a particular perspective on a position, rather than another. In academia we know that we are “playing with ideas;” we know that we have changed out minds many times, and that it is our job to continue to learn, so normally, there is not so much personal feeling and negativity around “argumentation.” However in wider society, people do not have the mindset that their major job is to learn. Similarly, increasingly there is so much anti-authoritarianism, rebellion, or pride, that learning from any other given human seems offensive to them – even, we smile, from the professor in whose class they are. When I say “argumentation” then, I mean it in the academic sense, and not in the strife laden sense of wider society. Rhetoric may be correct, but fewer people use that word.]

If you keep your aim in mind, then your tone will be more correct. Remembering your audience will keep your tone correct. You “speak” differently in a formal academic paper than you do on the street in a slum, of course. Why? Because you want to speak in the tone, the register, in the manner in which your hearers or readers can understand you.

Word Choice

Tone will suggest word choice. Just as you would pick different words and ways of saying things if you were in a sticky situation on a slum street, so would you in academia. Similarly, there are gradations depending on what level of society you are in, what region, what thought community. In cases that are neutral, such as the internet, you are faced with the challenge of writing in a way that will offend the least number and communicate to the highest number. Standard English, slightly lower than academic English is normally the best choice for this sort of forum.

If you choose a register and word choice that is too low, you are not taken seriously. For instance, perhaps when you hear Ebonics, you don't immediately give as much credence to it as when you hear someone speaking – more like your favorite speaker.

Everyone has a set of vocabulary that sounds right to them. College educated people have a higher set. Vocabulary identifies status in the hierarchy, not only in terms of SES, but also of education. Anyone using a limited vocabulary sounds less smart. Smart and educated are NOT the same thing, but in the quick pace of communication, these will inevitably be confused.

Furthermore, anyone using a limited vocabulary, has fewer tools with with to communicate. You can make finer distinctions with more words, better words. Thus your thinking will actually be clearer – as well as clearer to the hearer/reader.

Here are some examples.

I sounded bitchy. Vulgar, low class, and not on target
I now judge that I was in a spirit of strife. On target, but maybe archaic
I apologize for a negative, complaining tone. Everyone can understand

The word “bitch” as you probably know means a female dog. That is not what you mean. By extension it has been used vulgarly to mean a ... a complaining woman. I doubt that you want to sound vulgar, slight women, or talk about dogs. You see how better word choice better conveys your meaning.

These people must be stupid.
These folks must have been grossly uninformed.

The first is harsh, limited, and therefore unpersuasive. The second is much more academic, and therefore more persuasive. (I softened it by the addition of the folksy “folks” I am often charged with mixing tone. I say, I want to communicate most clearly. One watches the emotional impact of one's words. Not merely expressing oneself, but doing one's best to evoke the response one hopes for from the other person. Words are like arrows, or rocks. Watch how it hits others. Does it penetrate, or bounce? Or activate a wall?)

You are wrong.
I believe you might be mistaken.

An educated, powerful person would never say the former. If they wanted to persuade, they would say the latter.. A lawyer talking to a maid and would know better than to do like the former. Firstly, lawyers know that some ideas are wrong, but they have enough education to know that it is not adroit to express it in that way. Secondly, they know how people work, and if they want the person to consider an alternative position, they are not going to harden the first position by the challenge (to the flesh) of the former word choice. You will see that lawyers are suave and measured when they are doing their business. Understatement is powerful to the educated (and alas the media aims for the lowest.)

Semantics are important, if you are communicating. We don't want to be in strifes of words, so we sometimes smooth over an argument that is not really so important by saying “it is just a semantic difference” but that is exactly why we must be more and more skillful with our words, our semantics, so we can come to agreement. We want to allow the other person to come to agreement with us, right?

Furthermore, any scholar knows that he or she has a limited understanding, anyway, and so wants to hold out appropriate humility in case they are the one that needs to learn this time. Perhaps the interlocutor has a point.

Argument clarity and organization.

My students seldom can think clearly. Those who attempt to think at all, are used to sliding from one thought into another based more on feeling than logic. Their arguments show it. If they practiced good word choice, made clear sentences, and outlined their papers, they are much more likely to do well, because they can slow down their thinking enough to attempt to get clear thoughts into a logical argument. When people talk about things that are at all important, and especially when they are talking as opposed to writing, this sloppiness is encouraged and abetted by emotionalism. This makes them all the more agitated and unable to persuade. So now, they are making illogical, unclear, and thus, unpersuasive statements.

Of course, it is important to make claims clearly and then also as exactly well as humanly possible. Our own verbal ability is limited and so our claims are always inexact, and the more we are familiar with them, and the more relaxed we are, the more likely that these claims will come out inexact. However, younger students, often :) do not have all the facts, and they don't yet know it. A person with a doctorate knows very well how much he does not know about other fields precisely because his or her depth of knowledge in one shows how much there is to be known. One learns in upper sophomore level courses, I guess, to always make limited and evidenced claims. “Men tend to taller than women in any given ethnicity” and not “men are taller than women.” But new students say, “Well, he had to be taller than her.” Sounds good, but clearly may be incorrect. The more controversial the subject, the more important to be exact and right. Given inexperience, work harder at this. Undergraduate students end up defaulting to citations: “Brown says this....” And alternative is to put things in the interrogative, “Doesn't it seems to you that....?”

Any lack of rightness, exactness, or logic will be immediately noticed by an interlocutor of opposite opinion. Sometimes their differing perspective is based exactly on the blind spot that the first has. Usually this is the case. Sometimes, however, one has the truth, but only has not communicated it clearly.

Thus, as always taught in writing class, clearly admit the argument of the other person. First this demonstration that you have heard their position, will gain a hearing for yours. Secondly, doing this well, demonstrates the power of your argument. Conversely, what often happens, and particularly I am sad to say with many of the nonacademic teachers you and I enjoy, is that they have not well understood the opponents, or choose not to, and so set up straw men. For instance, I was recently in a lecture against trinitarianism, claiming that they were polytheists. Well, one can argue for monotheism all day long and not convince a trinitarianism of his error, because trinitarians ARE monotheists. The argument was based on a misunderstanding of the academic term “person.” Trinitarians do not mean when they say “the second person of the Trinity” (translation from Greek, and from an archaic, centuries old disputations) that it is a different person (modern parlance). The second person of the Trinity (Jesus) is not asserted by theologians to be a different person from God the Father. That is not what they mean. But if a oneness guy takes them to mean that, and bases his whole argument on that, he will find he is unpersuasive to the trinitarian. Similarly, if a person arguing against the new health care reform bill goes on a long tirade against communism, he will not thereby convince a liberal from the northeast who is looking at all the inefficiencies of our existing system, our deficit, and feeling a duty to help more people have health care. Now the first fellow might have a point, but if the aim is to persuade, then he must first address the concerns of the other up front, and only later set up how his perspective relates. Otherwise he will be discounted as only a madman. So this goes back to aim. Notice, however, how important organization is.

Sentences must be clear and exact. They must also be organized in a logical fashion so that the other person, with the opposite viewpoint can follow.


So instead of venting emotion, using lower class word choice, and sounding illogical and crazy to the people we really would wish to persuade, with discipline we can instead, appeal to them through demonstration of our prowess in having thought through the issue and our ability to communicate, and help them see the clarity and rightness of our point, having avoided merely hardening them in their former opinion – and probable prejudice of not only our perspective but of our person as well. Emotion will elicit emotion. Lower word choice will sound lower class. If we sound illogical then we give credence to their original disregard of our position. But our aim is to appeal, to persuade.
College educated people will be prejudiced against the non-college educated. The higher SES against the lower. The smarter against the less. Don't you know everyone thinks people who agree with them are smarter and those whose points they don't see are less smart! Thus especially when one is carrying an idea that is identified with lower educated, less monied, and perhaps even anti-academic viewpoints, and an issue that is volatile, you want to be extremely careful to be as clear, logical, and kind as possible – that you might win some.

Book for Christian high schoolers approaching college is not yet written, but I do have a book written for my community college students on

Teachers says parents, not schools, need reform

Their blog
Everytime I turn on the TV, the topic is education. Rarely are there any positive reports. Teachers are portrayed as the enemies who are out to get children, and of course, many people think teachers do not have the brains to really educate children. But are school’s problems really because of teachers? Could the problems stem from something else–something far greater than schools–something that is beyond what schools can control? From birth, parents begin to lay the foundation of a child’s future. Whether or not their future involves an education begins with a child’s home life. I think everyone would agree that a teacher has the power to help shape a child, but do teachers make or break a child’s future or do parents? So the question is who needs reforming–schools or parents?

Yes, some parents have encountered a teacher who seem to be against their students. Every parent has encountered teachers who have a fortress mentality against parents. I think maybe the reader has, too, rather recently.

Statistics indicate that there is no question but what schools need reforming. Schools are doing poorer jobs than ever before. Schools, however, do not equal teachers. Social institutions tend to be stronger than the individual (with rare exceptions). Similarly, society is stronger than the parent (again with rare exceptions).

*Both* parent and teacher have greater challenges than ever before -- just at the time when all indications are that both are doing poorly. (Except that studies consistently show that homeschooled children signficantly outperform children in public school in the United States.)

Blaming the parent is not helpful. Indeed, the limited bifocality of blaming either the teacher or the parent is wrongheaded. I have long said "fix problems, not blame." The question is not who is at fault -- there is more than enough fault to go around. The question is "how can I improve the situation?"

(BTW, parents are parenting as they have been taught -- to the extent that economic change permits them to be in non-employment hours and so parenting, at all. Teachers, not parents, taught the current views on child rearing. So, once again, blaming one half of this dyad won't work.)

How about asking what would make for better teaching -- if you are a teacher? How about asking what would make for better parenting -- if you are a parent? How about asking how parents and teachers could work together? How about asking what help could be extended? How about starting by being the change you wish to see? In any system, when you change yourself, you change the game for everyone else. One never sees the whole game if one refuses to see the position of their own piece.

[I wrote the foregoing last night, but this morning thought of additions that MUST be made, which follow. Perhaps my usual readers will appreciate. Apologies for not typing this sooner.]

Maybe everybody needs reforming. But that has been tried, hasn't it? That is how we got where we are today – reform attempt after reform attempt. Just like Mr. Ross Perot, trying to fix Texas schools, walking away discouraged and dismayed at the intractability of the problem, so exactly people are dismayed at the pervasiveness and extensiveness of the problem. Everybody needs reforming – and education has little to offer parents and parents are divided on how to improve the educational system. We are in perplexity.

What about those exceptions? People of Spirit, who have made major differences. Jesus, Paul. Perhaps Gandhi, but some of my Indian friends argue about that. Anyway some of Gandhi's ideas he got from Jesus. What power is there in the universe that can raise the dead? Isn't that the kind of miraculous power we need now? Who has that today?

Oh, we disciples of Jesus are supposed to.

Who has today a sure, centuries tried principled path, with enough creative flexibility? Oh, we descendants of Covenant, grafted in by grace!

Who has the mandate to offer help and thus leadership? Yes, indeed. And when He comes, we shall be like Him. He, Jesus, went about doing good, healing and delivering. And He told us, as you have received, so freely give. What the world needs now is Love – and beloved, we've got it! Go share it!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Some soaps are toxic
Thanks, Crunchy chicken for reminding us.
Of course I get natural soaps at home when I think about it. But out, I never think about it. Of course, when I was a director of a preschool, I tried to move the school toward less toxic cleaning agents. I did not like seeing my staff choke as they sprayed down the tables. But what is going on in most schools? Most public restrooms?

Similarly, air fresheners. Why the chemicals when good air flow or filtration would do the job better?

Also came up today:DailyParentTip Toxic Metals Found in Superhero Glasses -> http:// (@foxnews) #parenting
11 minutes ago via HootSuite

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Dr. Borba gives us a list of symptoms for cyberbullying and her suggestions of what to say to a daugther who is being bullied. She is right that this is something we now have to educate ourselves on. Young people are increasingly in the virtual world for their sociality. We need to gear up to understand the dynamics, figure out how to keep them safe, and teach them safety measures.

What are your thoughts on this? What have you learned? What do you watch for? What about boys?

What about also watching for your child being a bully? Some of these signs (hiding/clearing the screen) may be a signal for that. Too often I see parents excusing or even being proud of their children's aggressive behavior. You know, this kind of behavior will not work for that child's well being either. They too will tend to be less happy, and eventually less healthy and have less good friendships.

Cultivating Responsibility

I like this. Too often, the most well meaning parents do too much (work the children should do). Many others, busy with their own duties, do too little teaching. Unfortunately, this is a teaching seldom found anywhere. Psychology cultivates a "not responsible" attitude within it's own professionals, and a "don't be hard on yourself" in its counselees, so this idea is often overlooked. Church leaders often have a hard time to get the balance just right for the individual, what with so much to teach and given that teaching is mostly to groups. Senior pastors normally are taken up with too much else to do much family counseling, and in larger churches the staff is usually divided between hospital visitation on the one hand and children's ministers on the other. Let's focus on teach children a bit more. Thanks for a good word from a psychologist.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Teach 2nd language!

OttawaCitizen Bilingualism delays onset of Alzheimer's: Study:
Speaking two languages can help delay the onset of Alzheimer's ...

Other benefits to learning other languages early:
ability to "look at" things in 2 ways
ability to meet more people
ability to help more people
ability to learn other languages later easier, if they are similar
ability to grasp grammar and vocabulary more easily
abiliyt to get through one more degree requirment more easily
ability to look especially smart and cute
ability to learn the language correctly and exactly

Teaching other languages to young children should be on everyone's agenda. One way of doing this is hiring a babysitter or maid or nanny who speaks another language. The younger a child is, the more easily and more fun it is for them to learn the language. They don't need a class.

I learned Spanish by studying a record with my father. He was learning it for his work, and I was 5 and just thought it was fun saying the phrases with him and the record.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Toxic toys

Washington state requires strict new reporting on tocix chemicals from toy manufacturers and sellers. Why so strict? Why not set health bars -- to insure toys are made safely? Why don't toy manufacturers and distributers do this anyway?
Will this new law help? Or simply make toys more expensive?
Already many families can't afford them.
Of course we want them non-toxic - here and everywhere else too.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


DailyParentTip RT @60secondparent: Good Sleep for Children
Leads To Better Quality Of Life: #parenting #moms #dads

Yep yep yep
Good sleep makes for better quality of life, and beter cognitive skills, hence grades, too.
Tips for better sleep:
No stimulants right before bed, including caffiene and red dye.
Not too much light in the room.
Quiet activity before going to sleep, like reading a book and praying -- not like running around or watching action movies.
Pray the promises of God so that children are happy and confident. A family filled with faith need not have a child who is scared of the dark -- teach him/her to take authority.
For those having problems with sleep specifically, claim the promise that God gives his beloved rest, sweet sleep.

Gluten and Casein Free gets into the talk stream

Lots of people are talking about going gluten free. Your child doesn't have to be diagnosed with celiac disease or autism to make this something to check out. We Americans eat more milk and wheat than we need to. If your child is a snot fountain, is having too frequent ear aches, having indisgestion problems, or other problems without obvious cause, check diet. You might eliminate these and see -- as an experiment. In some cases an elimination diet is helpful to detect what the problem is. It is not as if wheat and milk, in pure form and in a balanced diet are anything but good. It is just that given our overdependence upon them, and other problems, children (and others) are more often having problems with them.

glutenfreebham #Free Chips Facebook Offer
S1erV #blog #freeitems #glutenfree #hotdeal
10 minutes ago via Google

bradnitschke You have got to be effing kidding me that there's
barley malt in my #yogitea. Not cool, hippies. Real bad karma your way. #glutenfree #gf
24 minutes ago via web

bensolive Dessert Labs in Northwest Portland offers bread,
cupcakes, cookies for the gluten-intolerant #pdxeats #glutenfree
25 minutes ago via Tweet Button

Troptraditions New Sale! 2.2 lb bags of Organic Coconut Flour
are 35% OFF! Great for #glutenfree baking, cooking or for adding fiber!
25 minutes ago via SocialOomph

TheMomiverse @phdinparenting We're doing about 75-90%
#glutenfree @ our house. Some weeks are better than others! Good luck!
35 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry® in reply to phdinparenting

foodsmatter Who wants special offer on #PhilVickery's new
#glutenfree baking book?....
36 minutes ago via TweetDeck

1 Retweet

foodsmatter And all you could want to know about the
manufacture of #freefrom #glutenfree #dairyfree food
38 minutes ago via TweetDeck

foodsmatter Not to mention loads of new #freefom #glutenfree
#dairyfree #gf #eggfree products at
39 minutes ago via TweetDeck

glutenfreeamy Fajita Bowls, it's what's
for dinner!! #glutenfree #cooking
39 minutes ago via HTC Peep

fitzbomb Omg. These ballet mothers are tards. All I hear is
#glutenfree #specialist #selfhelpbook. You need to get drunk and eat a steak already.
41 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

JulesGlutenFree Just Posted! Quick & Easy Pumpkin Hummus
Recipe! #glutenfree #gfree #gf #dairyfree #gfcf
43 minutes ago via TweetDeck

auraboston have many #glutenfree items on the new menu-Duck
confit, Pork loin, Grilled yellow fin tuna, Roasted Giannone chix!
about 1 hour ago via HootSuite

immarci These crackers are yummy! AND they're #glutenfree!
That never happens!
about 1 hour ago via TweetDeck

zestbakery Found the #glutenfree Mecca in sac that is
@gfspecialty! So cool!
about 1 hour ago via TweetDeck

wheatfreetweet top 6 superfood 4 women: flax, blueberries, leafy
greens, green tea, pom & sardines. All #glutenfree. find 3 in tula tart
about 1 hour ago via web

carilynp That is one gorgeous cake! RT@fourchickens Chocolate
Dump (It) Cake, #glutenfree! #gfree #gf
about 1 hour ago via web

Lidia_LF @CdnFoodieGirl I blogged about it too on
with more pictures: #vegan #glutenfree
about 1 hour ago via Echofon in reply to CdnFoodieGirl

FireflyFlickers Huh. Boston Pizza offers gluten free pies
#glutenfree #MyDadWillBeHappy
about 1 hour ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

sforzley @cbernardi are u #Glutenfree
about 1 hour ago via Echofon in reply to cbernardi

DailyCeliacTip RT @momsorganicmrkt: Gluten-free Croissants
#recipe via @living_without #glutenfree #celiac
about 1 hour ago via web

Using the internet as a tool to fish for men

Well, I'm trying, especially in the pool of moms and educators. Anyone with me?

You don't have to be extremely tech savvy or be a great writer. It is easy. For instance, next to the copies of my broadcast (back to home, then select ARCHIVE) notice there is a "share" button. Punch that and send to a friend so she can hear it too.

Or retweet a saying that is meaningful, if you are on Twitter.

Or if you really want to get into praying with us, joing GSB Prayer Room on Facebook.

Love, Sister Sharon

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Will the Government Try to Regulate Curricula in Private Colleges?

Christianity Today is reporting new regulations that may either regulate curricula in privately run schools (including church owned such as Baylor, Notre Dame and many others) or refuse to grant financial aid.

Many questions arise.

Why was the response to corruption in for-profit school met with regulations that attack the freedom of religion?

Are we financing/subsidizing students or schools?

Universities have strict regulations in terms of accreditation. Why does the government feel that they can over-ride this longstanding and respected system?

Why does the business concept of buyer beware not apply here? Sure, any potential student should ask the recruitment officer how many of the graduates have jobs upon graduating and what kind of money they make. Every time, that should be asked. It used to be. But now government regulations are cited as disallowing the school to answer. Why not fewer regulations, rather than more?

How is it that the government feels it can regulate the curricula in colleges and universities at all? Aren't professors the content expert? Don't they make the decisions, rather than the administration? Has the success in public school been so great (NOT; the worst in the industrialize world) that we should extend what they do to universities (the best, most competitive in the world.)

Given the huge money shortfall, where will we cut higher education? If religious schools are on the block first, then is there a bias in the government?

If the aim is against "pervasively sectarian schools" (who often don't want to be regulated or funded by the government in any case) why take aim at all institutions owned by churches, and so including Baylor and Notre Dame. Note that up until now these sorts of schools have taught a mostly secular curricula.

Has the Devil over played his hand here? Was it not enough that academia is pervasively dismissive of faith? Now the government will attempt to step in, contrary to academic convention, any business sense, and every bit of reason about raising educational standard, -- will not these insitutions realize they are being threatened.

Has "culture wars" moved from the concern of a few marginal folks to persecution of all the church?

Or was this a mistake? Or misunderstanding?

Speak faith clearly to those who object

Here is a book that will equip you to speak intelligently and intelligibly to skeptics. While yes, sure, most young people want a relationship, they are also fairly cynical about approaches. Sure, go try to have relationship. But that whole approach ignores the fact that there is a whole world out there, several generations that have intellectual question/objections to the Christian faith. Most of the Christians they have met are faith only/don't think. Therefore they really have concluded that there is nothing to Christianity, that followers of Jesus are just bobble heads. And therefore the problem in society. It is high time we get educated to talk with them, have an answer for the hope within us.

Check this out and let me know how you like it.

Great friends and leaders: wisdom, beauty and love
I found lots of good words on Twitter this morning. One was a thanksgiving that she was surrounded by such great friends and leaders. Wow! And if since I was with her, so was I.

Look for wisdom, and you will find it. Want some, follow the trail of some of these tweet threads.

Take time to see beauty, and you will see it. As I sit in the park on Sunday, I see the beauty of the trees, ponds, plants, and children. The world can go on in its mess, worry, and corruption, but the creation continues to reflect God's original plan.

Open to love, and channel love, and speak love, and you will have it. Be invited to partner in love. Share some today.

And friends and leaders -- thanks for being out there all around. Praise God.

Great friends and leaders: wisdom, beauty and love
I found lots of good words on Twitter this morning. One was a thanksgiving that she was surrounded by such great friends and leaders. Wow! And if since I was with her, so was I.

Look for wisdom, and you will find it. Want some, follow the trail of some of these tweet threads.

Take time to see beauty, and you will see it. As I sit in the park on Sunday, I see the beauty of the trees, ponds, plants, and children. The world can go on in its mess, worry, and corruption, but the creation continues to reflect God's original plan.

Open to love, and channel love, and speak love, and you will have it. Be invited to partner in love. Share some today.

And friends and leaders -- thanks for being out there all around. Praise God.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Safety on Halloween

Our government can suggest some safety tips for Halloween: safe costumes, safe traffic patterns, safe neighborhood practises. I remember the Halloween of my youth when a child died due to poisoning;d ever since people have been frigthened. My mother made me promise not to eat a single candy until she could look at each one. Anything possibly unwrapped previously was trashed. Then a heap was stashed.

But really, that child was poisoned by her own parent. For insurance money.

Sure, if you do the traditional Halloween things, an eye to safety is warranted. I hope the above link helps. However, many of the perils of Halloween are in the home, in the mind, and in the Spirit.

I am not suggesting you invite Fear or Religion in, to replace traditional cutsey goblins. That sort of response has negative consequences too. There is however, plenty of real and scary things. There are real temptations in the world today to involve oneseld in occult, witchcraft, other gods, and a myriad of death reveling practises. This should be frankly discussed with your offspring at the right moments. God's word is very very clear about the consequences of following other Gods, bowing at other altars, and choosing death.

Please read such scriptures are these to remind yourself and your family: Deuteronomy 5: 8, Deut. 12:2, Deut 28:58. The Jews were very clear that there was only one God, and that he was "jealous" or in other words required worship unmixed with the customs of other religions. Today our youth have the widest possible array of options. They are invited to covens, rituals, and spoofs.

More importantly, however, our whole society and even the most religious among us, are being invited to death, despondency, and helplessness in our culture today. When the nation goes through hard times, when conventional wisdom insists on its unhealthy patterns, and when the flesh refuses to take repsonsibility and comes up with any number of excuses, people are succumbing to a numbing, a drubbing, a sucking down into the depths.

Rather than focussing on merely staying away from your evil neighbors, try this. Look to the Lord of life. Check out this scripture: Deut. 30:19 &20 Now choose life, so that you and your children may live, and that you may love the LORD your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast o him. For the LORD is your life, and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

You might not want real estate in Israel, but you probably do want to life in the land of rest, of promise, of LIFE.

So this is a good time to say, choose Life, celebrate Life, and thank the LORD for all the life and love and love blessings. AMEN! GLORY!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Love challenges in classroom, workplace

When we face a troublesome student (or a challenging co-worker or troubling boss), we often find ourselves thinking in conflict terms. Perhaps they mean to incite conflict. Maybe they are carrying on aggressiont theater. Maybe they are merely challenging. Whatever the situation, if we will resist the temptation to see this as a fight and instead see it as a love challenge, we will have boosted our probability of success.

Love, in this case, is not syruppy, rose colored glasses. We mean agape here, and not eros, surely either. In this case, we mean keeping the good of the other person in mind. In this way one can more easily achieve win-wins. But to use that language only gets part of the way down the road. We are not aiming for compromise, some win and some lose for all. Rather, we are aiming for Kingdom -- highest good for all.

Sister Sharon, be reasonable. No. I am. For instance, this term I have been struggling with a very challenging student. It is too soon to tell you the details. It came to formal discipline time. In the preparation, though, I prayed for guidance, and looked for good resolutions. Had it been my intention simply to punish him, I surely would have had the opportunity. Had it been my intention simply to win, I probably would have, but not without a large fight. But as my intention was to help, and to continue to teach even in this situation -- and not the academic discipline only, but also the social and cognitive skills generally needed in academia, I was able to find a solution that satisfied everyone and helped the student continue in the path of learning, achievement and personal growth.

It was a much better feeling than the fear and angst of fight.

The servant of the Lord must not strive, but patiently teach and gently correct. There is still more in that passage in 2 Timothy 2.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Learning about tweeting and blogging : Who is really tweeting you?

I noticed that everydayhealth's article, below was tweeted. When I asked, privately for the Tweeter to do for better vetting, I was quickly unfollowed. I also wrote a critical blog. Given that I have studied this and have some decades of knowledge, and asked politely, I began to wonder. Of course, I am only just now learning about this social networking stuff. I may have overlooked some point of politeness? However, given the look and bias of this site (everydayhealth), I begin to realize that some people tweet and blog and are real people -- well let's say some are individuals doing it for pleasure, some for passion that might be business or non-profit -- and some are corporations.  Who was retweeting?  Was it the same people? the same ones who appeared to be putting out scientific data, but were really putting out a very skewed impression, self-serving to the monetary interests of medical industry/providers. I would like to know who is talking.

The same happens in the "association" world. For instance, SANE/Freeze was a citizen group organized around the mission of trying to limit nuclear war. The nuclear industry, in response got wives of executives and employees to form an "association." That is perfectly legal.  It was made to appear to politicians that the public was divided on the subject, with some citizens for and some against.  But they didn't seem like two equal, mirror image groups with just different viewpoints, to me. One was a citizen group; the other a front for a corporation.  Nowadays, I notice there are a variety of "autistic support groups."  Some are really coalitions of parents. One I know of, is really not, but it looks like it.  Even members may not know. But they depend on the information they get there.

Trouble is now that "the authorities" are often not the best sources of information. For instance, if you want scientific information, (peer reviewed journals, with dobule blind studies, and high number of respondents) for medical information, your doctor -- unless he or she is unusual-- is probably the least likely to know, as well as the most expensive to use. (I'm not panning doctors here. They are the best for diagnosis and wise guidance in treatment, but librarians are the best professionals for curating and finding information. I'm panning deceptive marketing by medical industry corporations.) AMA -- caught them denying scientific research was being done. Even JAMA and other medical journals, for instance, will admit "studies" that are not experiments and have very small Ns. Perhaps understandable given the difficulty of observing human subjects, but the practise would not fly in social sciences.

This is a long way of saying: information consumer, beware!  People who can't  or won't discuss, can't or won't be questioned, can't or won't give evidence, can't or won't look at their philosophical underpinnings, and can't or won't tell you who they are -- are giving you big red flags that they may be lying, stealing, killing, and or destroying.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Prayers... triumph in persecutions

I have set the LORD always before me, ecause He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Ps 16:8

Notice the context: I will not pour out their libations of blood or take up their names on my lips. Other "gods" surround you. Today they don't only tempt you; now they attack you. They attempt to shame  you for not going with them. We see this in the classroom, in the media, and in social contexts.  People attack you simply for being righteous. You don't do porn? Something must be wrong with you! Life has become weird.

But it is important that we don't take up similar libations of blood - hurting other hearts. It is important that we keep Truth and Love on our lips.  Don't be swayed to their kind of haughtiness, their kind of disrespect, and their kind of hatefulness.  This is an underlying demonic intent of persecution.

But, bless God! When we keep looking at Jesus, when we enter into His presence, there is a wonderful analgesic. All this painful stuff doesn't hurt so much. We can be established and not shaken. We can continue to be glad, no matter what. We stand in faith and therefore are not thrown donw. We speak the Word, and therefore we can keep our mouth powerful and we can continue to rejoice.  And you know what? Even greater, our flesh can rest in hope. Today even science knows that continuing in confidence rather than strife, and especially in altruism (love) rather than hate -- results in better health.

This very Psalm is quoted to be about Jesus. His flesh rested in hope. He trusted in God. It worked for Him. It works exactly the same for us. Because we are in Him. Recieve Resurrection Life.  People will try to crucify you in any case.  So don't worry about that. Get into the Christ, and go through triumphantly.

Monday, October 25, 2010

ADHD -- how much is it really a valid diagnosis? How much addressable by better lifestyle mesaures?

I'm very concerned about this article. Sure, there IS a brain wiring problem that should be diagnosed as ADHD. You heard that talked about on one of my broadcasts by the expert in this metro area. However only 3 to 5 % of children could be so diagnosed, while fully 88% of the population respond to red dye with symptoms like ADHD. Each and every "test" item on this page, obscures the whole truth, will encourage poor parenting, and encourages reliance on the medical industry that admittedly has no scientific criteria for this diagnosis and extremely poor "solutions." Yet, this page looks very proper. Notice the imprimatur in the lower right hand corner. A person needs to be a very discerning consumer of information -- because some of the most official is exactly dis-information, or self-serving propaganda.

My position is that proper lifestyle measures should alwys be addressed first.  Given the absence of a scientific diagnosis, this seems even more salutary. If lifestyle measures, such as laying off red dye work, then further measures are obviated. Always better to use measures that are generally pro-health.  Always use expensive, health undermining measures as last resorts.

But of course, there may be some people who get paid for pushing controlled substances.

GSB is not against medicine. It is for healing -- anyway it comes. The first step is one toward general basic wellness lifestyle. Numerous scientific studies show that such measures make for health, as well as undergirding any medical interventiont that seems necessary.  GSB comes from a faith perspective, an educational perspective and a parental perspective.

Therefore, I would like to see a world of improvement; I think this is not good parental education at all. It misinforms parents with half-truths. It denigrates what moms can do. It is more likely to reduce health and transfer wealth than to help the lives of children.

Lead found in school water

The school building where I sometimes work, converted from being an elementary school to use as a college, in the very liberal, green town, has found to have lead pipes, and be dispensing contaminated water. Two decades ago, I knew a highly placed woman who went on a campaign in this town to be sure every last bit of lead was removed.  They found it especially in playgrounds. She had the clout to address it. And yet, at this late date, after having known that lead causes brain damage for what four decades, only now is lead in this school water detected. So much for the government protecting us.

No, look, this is just one example, but it is important. Today, we are swamp by regulations, purportedly to protect us. We are swamped by controvesry  suggesting that government needs to oversee everything from home schools to farmers market. Yet, here, the government has very many decades been poisoning first small children and then youth. And because they were government, they were screened from the activism of the community.

Today, the college has set up private company water dispenser and posted danger signs on all the water fountains.

No Nestle Week and Yes breastfeeding week

refashionista RT @that_danielle: Bloggers: write a post telling
abt yr concerns w Nestle let them know what you are doing about it. #noNestle #nonestle
about 11 hours ago via
Retweeted by phdinparenting and 2 others

clementinenw Boycotting Nestle due to harmful infant formula
marketing practices does not mean we judge moms who formula feed. #nonestle

Not still?  Wow! when my daughter was a baby, we were boycotting Nestle. We heard of thousandas of baby bottles on hillsides of graves in Africa. My daughter is in her 30s now. I thought Nestle had wised up and was not pushing their formula on the thrid world before my daughter went to elementary school! I sure didn't appreciate their insistence that I take formula home, along with a romance novel, from the hosptial. Of course I threw both away. I had a fine time nursing my baby -- even though that was not common back then. Wow! that is a great memory. I am SO GLAD I did the best for my child! Something went really right. And often that is the way it has been for me: do what I know is right, step aside from the commercial lemming culture. But boycotts ... well, power to you girls... but Nestle has not learned. How about this: why not go evangelize your peers. Let them know they need to do the best for their babies, and research or think for themselves, and not let people who want profits over well-being sell them.

Bless you for working for others.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Right eating can fix your teeth

*The Oral Health Bible by Michael P. Bonner and Earl Mindell
*Cure Tooth Decay: Heal and Prevent Cavities with Nutrition (First Edition) by Ramiel Nagel and D.D.S. Timothy Gallagher
* Kiss Your Dentist Goodbye: A Do-It-Yourself Mouth Care System for Healthy, Clean Gums and Teeth - Paperback (Jan. 1, 2010) by Ellie Phillips

We all knew eating right was good for you. Did you have any idea that it could heal cavities!?!
Now, let's see, if you can "mineralize cavities" and grow dentum... then maybe we could prevent bone loss too. You think? Maybe eat like collard greens and black beans with calcium, instead of  pop that leaches calcium out of bones. Maybe we should publish that? But no, that would cut the profits of people who sell stuff for osteoporosis (calcium pills and horse estrogen).  But wait, horse estrogen makes cancer. But wait, that makes even more profit. As long as people aren't eating green vegetables and such. As long as we can keep them sugar addicted, and stupid, then we can sell them more stuff -- until they are dead. But they've made kids, who they have addicted to sugar by that time. AAAK! Okay, I'm going to have to go get some collards and black eyed peas, and then some organic milk* and apples to calm down.  Bye!

Best stuff anywhere: The farmers' market

Here is a farmers' market that posted some pictures. It was a great day. Got outside. Met people. Bought REAL food. Heard some music. Met some artisans. Got growing tips. Flirted with babies. I recommend it. Find or found one in your neighborhood.

Community Supported Agriculture

Only 1 out of 10 children eat the recommended 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily. Survey reveal that becoming a member of a CSA (community supported agriculture) families significantly increased their intake of fruits and vegetables.  -- This from  -- which strangely could not be pasted in here. Anyway, this is how some CSAs work : pay monthly dues and get weekly boxes of whatever is in season. Also some growers at the farmers' market might make such a deal with you: subscribe, and get a weekly box. It will help your child in a major way! Let's see, healthier brains, bones, bodies, and ideas about the world. Also will help the local ecnomoy, the environment, the family farm, emergency preparedness, and bio-diversity. Sounds good to me.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Help in moving away from plastic

This was too cute to pass up. They will give you a hairbrush for leaving plastic behind.
Boar bristle -- I always did use it. Dad said it was best. He was a Fuller Brush salesman many many years ago.

I didn't know that such things as hairbrushes could be harmful. That seems too much.  I do know, however, that one should not store oil ( or milk or water hot including  from the sun) in plastic, as bad things leach out. Such as psuedo-estrogens. Softer plastics are more dangerous. Many plastics should never be used as food containers.

So now I wonder about plastic teethers. Yeah, and I never liked plastic panties or pads - yuk! give me untreated cotton!!!  I commend the site to your perusal and consideration.

The only place plastic is good and dependable, it seems, is neuroplastity. Bring  that on !

Report of HPV vaccine, unsafe, banned in India not in US

Looks like the vaccine that was railroaded onto Texans by Gov. Rick Perry, has proven unsafe in India.  Actually, we have had more girls to die than India has. Can it be deduced that America cares even less about its girls than India does?

Alex Jones says flu vaccine dangerous, and discusses cover-up

Here is a clip of Alex Jones, a news commentator, talking about the dangers of the flu vaccine.

Still vaccinating children?

as heartbroken and incredulous in the library the other day. I was standing, doing my business at the circulation desk, when a woman came in, asking for some kleenex.  The librarian kindly asked her if she were okay.
"Oh, yes, just need a little kleenex. My daughter is crying."
"Is she okay?"
"Well, I just took her to get a shot. I thought that would make her happy."

And I'm thinking -- "You risked your daughter's total well-being. Risked a more than 1 in 100 chance that she would suffer brain damage or social impairment?!?  And for what? To avoid a 24 hour stomach virus?  That is grossly irresponsible.

And why would any small child be made happy by someone sticking metal in their body -- even if it were safe and healthy and for a good cause? That is completely crazy -- out of touch with reality.

But I don't live in a society that in which I could report this as child abuse. There was nothing we could do but stand there, agape.

Well, I could mention, in a blog, the interviews I did with Dr. Ensign and Dr. Wakefield (link above, scroll donw to June 10)  Please also notice the link to Dr. Maulden.

They are smearing Wakefield, but he is an internationally respected scientist. And children are getting helped in an observable way at Thoughtful House in Westlake/Austin, Texas, that he was instrumental in founding. They say they don't have any idea what causes autism, even though there is now a dozen years of studies published in peer reviewed journals. State health authorities are pushing vaccines like they are going out of style. Reports are that vaccines have carried not just pollutants but deadly germs -- see Senator Clinton apologizing to Guatemala. Rumors have it that some vaccines are really population control. It couldn't be, could it? Even if they wanted us dead, why would they want us mentally impaired?  And why would a mother want that for her daughter?  Or could she not have known? Okay, maybe not.  But what about the doctor giving the shot?

O, btw, I read today in Parents' that immunizations will now be taken over by the public schools, so doctors don't have to fool with them.

Lord Jesus, come quickly!

Fear is the driver of this society, but it could be Love

One of my students came up with a sophisticated theory about how our society is fear driven. Outlined the drivers of the institutions of our society. Impressive.

But could it be otherwise?  Why couldn't society be drive by Love, Truth, Justice?  Isn't that what the Kingdom of God is all about?  But it was Sociology class, so I mentioned Sorokin. Sorokin was the founder of the Sociology Department at Harvard, who by the end of his career in like the 1950s was studying love. Which of course made him the odd man out.

So I did a foray to find out more about Sorokin, and HalleluJah! found that there is an academic institute devoted to studying love and which promoted Sorokin among others. Guess what! Love is related to better healing, psychological health, and probably social dynamics like crime in a city too. Let's study this some more, yes?

Monday, October 18, 2010

Leadership in the kingdom, especially in education and parenting

On The Great Shalom Broadcast, I've been talking about the dangerous, difficult times we are in, and are facing. HalleluJah that we have some heads up, and some instruction.  What are you seeing the Word?  I am seeing that we need to get in our places, work according to the Operations Manual. We need to be able to react out of muscle memory, or in other words, have drilled and become experienced enough in doing things correctly that sudden fear doesn't knock us out. Can we advance in adversity? Can we praise God in spite of how things look? Can we remain confidently on the path, no matter what?  We need to use the little things we face now to prepare ourselves for strong attacks. Let's not fool ourselves and think we are getting away with something if we slough off.

Also, good soldiers are noticed and get promoted. We need leadership in this hour. How can the Kingdom come on earth, with no one living in it?  Or able to be the civil magistrates in it?   If you want to live in utopia rather than dystopia, you have the be the change you want to see.

So stop complaining and start contributing. Stop looking for love and start giving it out.  Stop being haughty and start serving, working, inspiring.

The Master of the House is coming back, and what will He find His servants doing?  The CO is about to show up, and how are the soldiers in the army of Love acting?

Are you AWOL?  Come back now?  Are you in place but just marking time?  Step UP!  It is all hands on deck now. General Quarters. This is not a drill.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Wife battering, domestic abuse his sermon last Sunday night in Dallas mentioned that a man should not raise his hand against a woman. That was not the topic of his sermon, but he did mention it. And then he asked for an "amen" from the men present. I was already saying "Thank you."

This is the first time I have in all my many hours of hearing sermons ever heard a sermon that mentioned that wife beating is wrong. I did hear one minister mention that beating one's wife was wrong; and btw that was on TBN earlier this decade and that preacher was African American too.

Shame on everybody else. I have heard an awful lot of sermons on "wives submit"  in the 1980s -- so many that I wonder if they did not sound like approval. Preached so hard that I wonder if they were actually Biblical.

Only since 2006 have I heard "man is head of the woman" correctly preached as not archon/ruler but kephale/source. Look folks, followers of Jesus should be leading the pack in terms of justice, kindness, and help for women -- and anyone else who needs help, protection and so forth.

Thank you, Bishop, for your leadership. Preachers, take note.

Monday, August 30, 2010

You are Blessed to be a Blessing

Had a great time with the folks at El-Shaddai last Saturday.

How can we bless our children?
First realize we are blessed with the blessing of Abraham, because we have faith in Jesus.
Second, bless God ourselves. This creates an atmosphere around us.
Then speak the Word of God into our children. Teach them God's ways.
Remember also to speak the blessing of vision when we correct them.
Pray to God daily to help you truly bless your children.

You are blessed to be a blessing. More on this later.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Free Coloring Pages

Here is a site I found for free coloring pages and Bible lessons.
Let me know how you like it.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Dani Johnson Exposes Porn Assault on Children

Did you realize that porn was addictive? Did you realize the adult male market was maxed out? Did you realize people were intentionally going after children?  That sexting on cellphones for moppets encouraged real porn intake? That publications like Victoria's Secret had an effect?  That Playboy is no longer considered porn by many young adults? Tips for parents?

Monday, August 2, 2010

New series on Great Shalom: Call to Arms/General Quarters for Parents and Teachers

We are airing a series now that I am very excited about. It is a wake-up call from God for parents and educators. God has a response to what is going on. Want to be part of it? Do you realize that the forces of evil are closing in on the children? Be part of the forces of light. We will unfold Scripture and show you what to do. Be on the winning side. Vision will win over despair. Love and Truth will win over hate and lies. HalleluJah. God is so good!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

What ARE We Teaching? Grow up on the Full Counsel of God

I am seeing a pattern of pandering to the flesh, beiong immature, and not working. When I saw this, I looked to the teaching these people were receiving. They reflect the teaching, and the character of the preachers they sit under. Clearly they are not getting the “full counsel of God.”

The full counsel says to your faith, diligently applied, add virtue (manliness and attention to excellence), knowledge (hunger to know more), holiness, self-control, patience (cheerful endurance), brotherly love, and charitableness to all. The full counsel says to endure hardness as a good soldier. The full counsel says to deny yourself and take up the cross and follow Jesus.

Let's start with faith. This means a full reliance on the word of God – rather than mentally accepting a partisanship.

Diligence. Diligence. Thise means acting on faith, on the Word of God. This means doing good works – in contrast to sitting back and expecting to be entertained. Or worse, critiquing ministry as if it were entertainment. It means working in a calling instead of expecting that society owes you a living. It means working heartily as to the Lord, and not expecting that an employer owes you a living.It means keeping your commitments.

Virtue means gow up, stop being childish and soft. It means “acquit yourself like a man,” which, if you are not familiar with that statement means stop acting like a wet noodle in the face of a little difficulty, stand up, do the right thing, and have some backbone. It means grow up!

And therefore it includes stop complaining. Do your work cheerfully, glad you have work. It means don't act like a helpless child, when you are an adult. In fact, I don't let my children act helpless when they are not. Why then do we get grown adults acting like children, even in the face of minor difficulties. And surely church leaders doing this is rare, please tell me so. How can you be holy in the dirty world, and how can you love the brothers in a practical way, and how can you be charitable to all, if you are SO concerned with your little minor comfort?

Instead of complaining, be thankful. This is basic teaching for small children! For larger difficulties, even then, the counsel of God is “stop complaing” and replace with confessions from the Word of God. Yes?

Well some don't know this, because they are taught something else. Some get palliative sweet words that only tangetially relate to the Bible. Some get a partisan conversion message. If you “accept Jesus” then that is all. Some get much more – all kinds of miracles, esoteric doctrine, and flashy programs. But are we getting the full counsel of God? Are we applying what we are taught?

And what are we teaching?

Are we following JESUS?

Monday, July 26, 2010

There IS Hope - Hear How

If you have ever wondered if there is hope for your children.... If you ever wondered just exactly how to get your children on the right track... If you ever wondered how to make it through in difficult times...., you came to the right place. I know child rearing is not easy. I know teaching doesn't seem easy sometimtes. But God has a word for you that will change everything. It is all in the Bible. Somebody has walked it out. We are talking about it here. Please tune in. Please tell your friends to tune it. God has a word for you.   - GSB 

go to Select the Nationwide Archive, July 25th  

Monday, June 28, 2010


PLEASE STATE YOUR CITY FIRST, then VBS, then Youth revival, then any other even for those less than age 18. thanks. T

Monday, June 21, 2010

Youth Events in Round Rock

G Phi LIve
Friday June 25, 2010 7:00 p[m - 9:00 pm
Basketball, Wii, air hocky & more!

Return of the Slim
Thursday,  July 8, 2010 7:00 pm

Word of Faith Christian Center 1000 McNeil Road west of I 35
also find us on Facebook and Twitter

VBS July 7 12, 2010

Vacation Bible School Monday July 12 through Friday July 16, 2010 from 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm Every night.

Word of Faith Christian Center in Round Rock 1000 McNeil Road


Please type in your VBS or summer youth revival announcements. Thanks!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Running in the home stretch of the semester

In most places in the United States, this is the last month of the school year. Many colleges are in finals weeks now. We all must buckle down and work against Spring fever. Let's finish strong.

Students, don't let tiredness get your faith down.  Right now is a good time to use the best you know about healthy lifestyle. Right now is a good time to use all your know about study skills.  Right now is good time to use what you know about right confession.

Remember that God loves you. Remember that success is laid up for you. Believe it; recieve it. Celebrate it.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Fruits or Flakes: "By their fruits you shall know them"

Sometimes you need to know who you are talking to rather quickly. Here are some helps.

Be very quiet and watch, especially right at first. You will notice that what people do when you first meet them often is their pattern. Right at first they have not sized you up and so are not putting on a show, a false front, or even lie/trap scenario. People often put on false front until they have “sold you” on themselves or on whatever. After that, they revert to pattern. In fact, they will probably do more of it in a bigger way. So be quiet and watch the first thing.

Look for motive. For instance, are they talking to show off or to help someone? Are they trying to trap you into partisan ship or unmask for you your bondage? Are they aiming a joy and peace and rigtheousness -- or just self-rigtheousness?

Also watch the conversation behavior pattern. Often in a group a young believer will assume that the one who is talking the most is the most knowledgeable. However, with people whom you know, you do know that this is often not the case. The wisest person in the group may be saying the least. The wisest person often waits to say an apt word. You also know that often people don't listen to the wisest person. Haven't you seen the professor say nothing when at a table full of amatuers talking about his subject? Haven't you been to a party and seen the concert pianist be the least likely to sit down at the piano? Doesn't grandpa just smile in amusement at the group of youngsters, and maybe encourage one or not, but generally not try to be a big part of their conversation? In informal conversation, often it is NOT the one who knows the most who is doing the most talking, but rather the one who knows the least.

There are other behavior patterns to watch for. Look for the wise one.
1) The one who listens to others rather than merely show-boats.
2) Says only or mostly wise things. If a person strongly asserts some things that are not correct and you know them to be by definition impossible or not according to true facts you know, then you must watch carefully other information they give you. (Here, however, you have to be careful that you don't rule out of court things that are merely surprising or contrary to what you know. To deal with this you can ask, “How do you know?”)
3) Considers what others say, even if they know better. Know it alls an show boats won't learn. Wise people, by contrast, have a habit of learning many new things.
4) Is respectful and works at harmony. Immature people and those into self-aggrandizement seldom work at harmony and encouragement. Wise people will not overlook the expertise of others, while others with little knowledge, will not notice it since they are too busy showing off. Look specifically at lack of respect. Even those who do fake concern will betray their lack of respect.
5) When challenged, do not bow up and act badly. A wise person when challenged will consider, may disagree, and in some cases may call the challenger on some bad behavior, but will do it in concern for the challenger or for the group, rather than in self-protection.
6) Will be able to say something with correct words, and ideally in a simple way, even though they know technical details.
7) Who sees the bigger picture (probably because they have been considering the topic longer or from more angles) rather than having only a brand new brand to push.
8) Will be careful to keep the main point the main point. For instance, in a conversation about healing, the one who talks about Jesus rather than the one who talks about some minister, may have more real knowledge.

Here are some examples of lack of respect.
Hurtful comments, even if passed off as jokes.
Touching in any way that is not in an already established intimate relationship or as a symbol of real support and sympathy. For instance, touching anyone saying, “Well bless your heart” is disrespectful. Someone you just met touching you is probably disrespectful in any case. Patting you a lot in such a case maybe be an indication of a hitter. Someone touching someone who is socially superior to them is either extreme disrespect or a sexual come on.
Ridiculing a position.
Ignoring an argument may not be lack of respect for the person, as it may be an attempt at harmony, but it is probably lack of respect for the idea and may be for the person.
A canned train of questions structured to lead into some trap.
Turning one's back when expected to converse. In American culture, this is the right of someone being accosted by someone they do not know, but in the middle of a conversation, if one wants to leave, they make exit remarks.
Fake smile too quickly turned to look of disdain as one turns away.
Haughty looks may be disrespect or may be just how one looks, but it is not within the culture of the Kingdom.

Followers of Jesus show respect, meaning civility and kindness, to everyone. A full exposition of this is in Bevere's book, Honor. Honor all men. Unfortunately our culture and most of the church with it is forgotten this direction from God. Many who have studied some doctrine think they are superior and therefore show disdain. People who have studied a great deal, by contrast, having been faced with the strengths of many systems, have been led to humility. Some who have tasted Holy Spirit manifestations think that they are superior to others and, to our great shame, then act disrespectfully to others. This is a good way to find yourself out of the Spirit and into false doctrine. Unfortunately, there are many such options today. Take heed to yourselves, lest thinking you stand, you fall.

I hope it helps.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Research on the new generation
Hmm, what I hear here that that young people are losing their faith in college. The presenter suggests it is a matter of the heart and I don't want to disagree with that. In fact, I think many young people want a religion that is more experiential than the traditionally is the case in Christianity. However, I think it is a matter of the head too.  Professors assume that evangelicals are yahoos, ignorant, and detrimental to society. If the clergy refuses to speak to the concerns of the educated, and often themselves have neither college education nor access to "liberal media" (as is true with my ministerial colleagues where demonstratvie worship is embraced) then it exacerbates the problem.  I appreciate the two attempts within Christian media to attempt some apologetics, but the majority of my students at the community college level would have little patience with that and may even lack the ability to follow abstruse arguments. That is how I put the picture together.

What are your thoughts on how to address this situation?  Sounds like investment in college ministries in in order.  While I see a resurgence in those at the senior universities that I follow, and an uptick at the community college level, I suspect we should do a great deal more.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Do you want more or do you want less? You choose. Here is how.

Did you notice that Jesus says that the one who is diligent with a small assignment will be given more, but the one who is not, even that will be taken away? Is that not the way it always is? The employee who is not diligent is fired. The one who is, is given a promotion. It is a technology for success to be diligent and to keep agreements, do what you say you will. When you can be trusted, you are valuable. When you are lazy you are a drain on the organization and its mission. This is the way it always is. If you keep the Word in your ears, your eyes will see it everywhere.

Alternatively, if you see through the eyes of flesh, what you will see is that bosses everywhere are bad, and that only those who suck up are promoted, and you always get picked on and are generally cursed. Then as you rehearse this, and you will rehearse it because of the resentment that comes from lack of progress, you begin to think and teach that all success comes only through bad action. Then you are locked in the opposite of success. You have a bad attitude. You don't work with your boss. You are unpleasant to be around and sure enough, you get fired. That is the procedure.

Which path do you want to be on? Which path do you want your children on? Remember Scripture, see through the eyes of Jesus, and then you will see truly, speak truly, and find both liberty and reward.
Be blessed. -- GSB

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Giving Offense : wieghing the flesh's comfort with the eternal destiny of a person

I've been meditating with my Intercessory Team about offenses. We are taking authority over the spirit of taking offense. There has been a revelation along this line in the Body of Christ in the past few years. Actually we seen even more Scriptures on not giving offense, and this has largely been ignored in the Body of Christ, particularly by the evangelical clergy.

I assume you heard the guest on Ravi Zacharias' program Saturday, who argued that we need to invest more in apologetics, and that if we don't, we will lose the harvest we are garnering in Africa, that we will lose our young people, as they are educated and so hearing the challenges to the gospel. The responsibility of the clergy, and really of all of us, to have an articulated clear explanation of why what we believe makes sense, you know, having an answer for the hope that is within us, is our sacred responsibility.

Too often we Christians in the United States are insulated in our own little cocoon, and we never think about communicating with those outside. This is even more true for the clergy, since we are employed in the church, but we are ALL called to be fishers of men, evangelistic. One would think that those of us who are “evangelical,” that is, who believe in the Bible and believe people need to be born again, would be more, rather than less, interested in speaking to those outside, but alas. In this oversight, we get lazy and get great offense.

For instance, people outside when they hear Christian radio program and children know ahead of time that therefore it is all about spanking. Right? So I am calling to find underwriting sponsors and once gal wanted to know what I say about discipline. I was taken aback by this, and attempted to give and answer, but no, the woman “knew” I was lying. I was a Christian; I was talking about children; therefore I was just preaching abuse. “That IS what it is about, isn't it?” she asked. And you know exactly why she thought this. But the truth is, of course on MY broadcast, it was not until the 18th month that spanking was even alluded to and that by a guest. There is just more to childrearing than punishment – and clearly that is why this ministry is so needed.

A woman came to talk with me last Sunday. She was clearly very educated, could read Greek and Hebrew and I had all I could do to keep up with her wide ranging knowledge. She dropped some factual bits of practical knowledge that I needed in my quest to learn more about broadcasting. But finally a point came. She lamented the difficulties that fundamentalists were bringing tot he world. She admitted, however, the difficulty of definition, that she was not talking about the theological position of the 5 fundamentals of the faith. (You see, she understood clearly what she was talking about.) No, she was talking about those people who believe their scriptures literally and who proselytize, whether Christina, Muslim or Hindu. So, searching for a term, she lighted on a pretty good choice: evangelical – although the media never calls Muslim and Hindus evangelical, indeed it was not a bad match. She joyed in the fact that fewer and fewer of America;s young people are adhering to this form of religion. Once again, right. Barn says that of US 18 year olds, only 2% are churched. She rejoiced then, that perhaps evangelicalism is dying out from our nation. Why? Because evangelical (see her definition) are responsible for so much evil in the world – they go around bombing.

I hope you think about this. I hope you think about this long if you are clergy. I hope you ask Holy Spirit for wisdom on this. I want you to see why this seems like a reasonable conclusion to this woman. And don't be like that.

Do you remember the Bible Study we had summer before last? I had asked for a study on how to witness. Rather comically, the only session in that study about how to witness was allotted to me; I had to teach it. That night, the leading student, in discussion, responded what she would do if she were in a situation such as I had spun --- at a musical festival where strangers talk and such a person had made a comment that we all believe in the same God and that all spiritual paths lead to the same destination. The response was a Scripture verse, so right in itself, but I pointed out how JUST quoting that would come across like a slap in the face. So I suggested what I would do is acknowledge my new acquaintance sharing her feelings with me, but that I saw it differently, because of the scriptures and experience, and then THEN quote the Scripture, so coming across as a respectful sharing of feelings and life rather than a slap and discredit.

How about let's thinking about how we are coming across to those outside? How about moving a little more toward evangelism? How about being a little more mature in terms of thinking of others instead of ourselves. How about being a little more responsible in terms of learning how to articulate our faith in a reasonable and understandable manner.

Happy witnessing. May your harvest be great.

Monday, March 15, 2010

On Taking Offense

The spirit of offense is wreaking havoc in the church, in individual lives, and in the world today. Taking offense stops growth, prevents miracles, and fights against the spread of the gospel. Taking offense is perseverating (thinking over and over) on what someone else did wrong. A better definition might be that taking offense is when you keep thinking about your hurt feelings based on your judgment about what someone else did wrong. People who want to be strong in the Holy Spirit, will resolve never to take offense.

Matthew 11: 6, Matthew 26:53, John 15:25, 23, John 16:1, I John 2:9

Indeed, if you do a study of offense, and compare the King James Version with the New American Standard version, you will discover that “taking offense” equals “falling away” or “stumbling.” This is so, because when you take offense, you are choosing to take care of your flesh instead of be obedient and end up finding yourself worshiping the accuser. If you instead, keep your eyes on Jesus, making no provision for your flesh, then you stay in forgiveness and find forgiveness and the favor of God having a clear channel to you.

Notice the definition of offense above. You make a judgment. You nurse hurt feelings. You keep thinking about it. Then satan, casts fiery darts through you to hate, to divide, and you are now a very good catcher or target while you are nursing your flesh like this.

There are a lot of weak links in this chain. The first is that your judgment may be way off. Next, let's think about what nursing wounds often looks like: coddling the flesh.

Notice that coddling your flesh is practically the same as being immature. Maturity calls and impels you to set aside your own small interests, consider others, and so move in a higher level. I have seen a lot of very immature behavior lately. I urge you to ask yourself if what you are fussing about is really the fault of the persons you are blaming or if it is not really your own fault. I ask you to ask yourself, when you are privileging yourself not to take responsibility, if you are not really only arguing that YOU can be a small child if you want. I urge you to ask yourself, when you are being challenged to stand up and be a soldier ofr the kingdom and you have some good sounding excuse, if you are not really merely only giving an excuse. You might get away with all of these things in conversation in the church, because people know that they are supposed to “be nice” in church. Nevertheless, they may clearly see that you have chosen to be immature and are advertising this. God for sure sees.

Let me show you then, what taking offense looks like.

Baby throws down cookie from high chair and screams because she doesn't have the cookie anymore.
I see this all the time. People are not happy with their results, but don't see that their choices caused those results. Somehow it feels better to blame others, even God, instead of making different choices. Only that, however, will work.

Toddler is mad because daddy has gone off to work.
I have seen this recently. People tend to see things from their own perspective. If they had a larger, more mature perspective, they would see that daddy needs to go to work and is doing precisely what daddy is supposed to do – even for them. Somehow throwing a fit seems like a good idea, but sitting and crying really does not accomplish anything. Stop blaming, and get up and play (doing your own work) until you learn a larger perspective.

Elementary kid is angry at teacher because she points out that he needs to turn in his papers.
I always see this. Correction from someone who cares about you is a great gift. Some people, instead of choosing to acknowledge this, because they would rather not take responsibility, then feel like it would be a good idea to hate the teacher. Then they don't turn in their papers. Then they make bad grades. Then they fail the class. Then they say, “you see, she just had it in for me.”

Teen is angry because parent does not loan her the car.
I see this a lot. Why should a teen assume that the car is hers? Go out, work, and buy a car. Then you will have one to drive. The fact that you are angry because someone is not letting you drive their car shows that you are not ready to be lent the car.

Young married is angry because he or she is not getting enough attention from the spouse. “I will love you if you love me.”
A better solution would be to inject some love into the situation, because you sow what you reap. If both partners act list this, the marriage will soon wither. An entitlement mentality is creeping everywhere – comically, especially where people speak against it. Charity has become a bad word in our icicles today, but it is the translation of the word agape, divine love.

Blaming others, instead of taking responsibility is immature. It is also the heart of taking offense. Even when someone has clearly, blatantly, knowingly, repeatedly wronged you – the best course of action is to move on. Forgive, and turn toward God. Otherwise, you too will be prey for satan. The original hurt becomes like a Nazgul dagger (from the Lord of the Rings story), that once sticking in you, poisons your system. Even if someone did do something dastardly, and they will, even brothers will, you must choose to go with God. Don't let Satan pick you off.

When you find yourself taking offense, repent, turn around. If you are into a spirit of offense, cast it down, off of you and ask the Lord's forgiveness, choose by force of will to forgive if there really is some wrong done to you (but as we have seen, most is nothing of the kind), and ask God the Holy Spirit to fill you, guide you, teach you. Resolve to listen and to do.

Cleanse yourself of offense. Forgive. Even forgive God, if it comes to that. Only in this way will you have a clean, clear channel for your prayers to be answered. -- GSB

Monday, March 1, 2010

Build Character to Carry the Anointing - Be David and Not Saul

I am seeing a dramatic problem across the Body of Christ, across the folks in the moving of the Spirit in this city and among my own team. I believe that there is no greater problem that needs attention to at this time. It is the problem of not being diligent in character while expecting the anointing. You need character to carry the anointing. If you don't, you will not continue to carry it, the ministry will be harmed, the gospel may be discredited, and it God will judge you more harshly because you have had access to the holy things.

Think of Saul. The text says that God sent an evil spirit upon him. We don't believe that God ever is the author of evil. On the contrary, this simply was the way of things, that Saul had access to the anointing, and did not continue behavior in the fear of the Lord. He was presumptuous, he lied, he did not obey what he was told. He was fearful; he was self-concerned, he was self-willed. He became miserable and died. In the end, he even was sitting with witches. This is the end of those who seek anointing without godly character – practical witchcraft.

I see people choosing the path of Saul all around me. Oh, never meaning anything but choosing the sweetness of God, they want only that and never the dictates of discipline and the outcome of character. They choose their convenience. Then they cover up their shortcomings, and flatter themselves that they are not really being deceptive. They do not keep their word. They ignore it. They presume to tell the anointed what to do, when they do not have that assignment, that experience, that training, and they persist after indication that they are off the mark. This is lack of fear of God. They do not seek teaching and are deaf to correction.

People have begun to move in the supernatural. Good. But where is it going? Have you seen a wilting? Have you seen an lack of increase? What do you think is the problem? Is it we need to pray more, maybe fast more, maybe cut ourselves? Maybe God has taken the day off? I don't think so.

Are you finding yourself tempted to focus on other people's sins? Gossip? Be distracted into being against something or someone? Have you heard of projection? Well known in psychology, projection is the tendency of people to identify in others the problem that is resident in themselves that they wish to deny. Liars think everyone is lying. Disrespectful people see everyone as disrespectful. Irresponsible people tend to think, identify, and --- really by surrounded by -- irresponsible people. And petty. And little. And fake. Is this what you want?

So what should you do? First off, go immediately to the Father and discuss your discomfort at reading this. Do this now. Ask Holy Spirit to judge you and root out your shortcomings. Ask for direction and wisdom on how to apologize. Do more than resolve to start being diligent to be honest, respectful, and industrious; make structures, idiot proof plans, channels for your time and behavior. Make plans and work the plan and the plan will work.

Stop making excuses. Stop saying, “well the Spirit is not moving now.” Stop saying, “well, they are blessed.” No, people whom you see as blessed are more hardworking and that is why they have results. People whom you see as blessed are more willing to take correction and teaching. People whom you see as blessed are those who are willing to take responsibility. This is true in the workplace. This is true in school. This is true in health. And for sure it is true in the life of the Body of Christ.

The truth is that there are no locks on the doors of heaven. The truth is that Hell can't keep you in unless you permit it. The truth is God is willing to let you get as close to Him as you want to get. The truth is that you can have as big a ministry as you are willing to have. But you can't get there if you don't work with the Shepherd.

Choose now if you want to be in the Saul group or the David group.

Not everybody could tell the difference. Notice how Nabal chose the power of Saul and therefore treated David poorly. Abigail, by contrast, saw character that carried anointing. One was blessed and the other not. You be Abigail. You be David. Don't just be entertained by the Word and song! Be changed! Yes, seek the anointing, but be diligent to be diligent, truthful, industrious, respectful, and obedient. Build character so you can carry the anointing, keep the anointing, be increased and very blessed in the anointing and the harvest that it will grow. -- GSB

Friday, February 26, 2010

New breed of educators coming

HALLELUJAH!!!!  I am so excited I can hardly sit still.  I heard Joseph Prince say that a new breed of educators is coming who will speak blessing and not anger/wrath over their students.  YES! Amen. That is what we are working on. Spread the news.  (his sermon #167 disclaimer I don't know Joseph Prince and he doesn't know me. I just appreciated his comments today on a television broadcast.)

Friday, February 19, 2010

Say what you PRAY

The message for our Spring Intercessors Team meeting was from Mark 11:22-26 on the centrality of prayer. It is a familiar passage. It is worth reading again.  

Mar 11:22 And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.
Mar 11:23 For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.
Mar 11:24 Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.
Mar 11:25 And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.
Mar 11:26 But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses.

Much has been said about the prominence of “saying” in this verse which we appreciate. There is power in our words. Even nonbelievers know this. Psychologists are talking a great deal now about “positive self-talk.” New Agers are using affirmations to improve their lives. However merely much repeating has limited power. Human words do have power, but no one suggests that such can miraculously change things outside that one human's system.

However, this passage is clearly about miraculous power. Jesus commands us to have faith in God. Mark 9:25 records Jesus as saying “Everything is possible for him who believes.” This too, is an extremely important insight. Jesus says things are possible to the one who believes – not to the one who is perfect, who studies the most, or who .... whatever action you wish to mention. Jesus repeatedly mentions faith. However, I submit it is not just any faith. It is faith in God.

There is another insight in this passage that I have never heard preached. It is a central insight. Right in the very center of this verse, read in Greek, is the word “prayer” or “proseuxomai.” Mark is written in a chiastic form that always points to the most important thought right in the middle. In the middle of the book is the passage about who Jesus is and the saying “take up your cross and follow me.” That middle passage is the point of the book. The middle of this passage is the word prayer. That word for prayer means “coming before God.” It is sometimes used of worship and often used for prayer.

The insight is that it is our coming before God, our connection to God, our reliance/trust/faith in God/ our speaking the words of God that make the whatsoever possible, that create miracles. Yes, let's have faith. Yes, let's speak in line with that. But very centrally, let's get close to God.
We can face the biggest thing in our lives with our connection to God, our faith, and our word, and command it to be gone, where we will never see it again. Not moved across the road. Not merely taken down a notch, but a mountain rooted up and thrown into the sea – of forgetfulness. Amen. Our commands have power because we move in the authority that Jesus brought back to us, that God gave humans at creation. It was always God's plan that humans have authority to spread the Kingdom, the Garden of Eden throughout the earth.

Similarly, in this ministry, let's keep prayer – a real connection to God – the center of what we do. Yes, we believe for miracles. Yes, we attempt to speak blessing. Yes, we are going to remember to forgive and accept forgiveness. Especially since we are just learning. We are still young in this, children in training and not yet Sons fully grown. So please forgive our shortcomings. But we, we will resolve to come before God. Our reliance to, connection with, authority from God is the central point.

Please join with us, in blessing children, educators, and parents. Let's say what we pray. Let's have faith in God.