Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Last Minute Crafts for Christmas Season

My mother always had a Christmas craft planned for my sister and I every Christmas season, while we were off school. Many of these were very memorable and useful. I can clearly remember some that became Christmas ornaments. However, many moms today, struggling with full-time employment and without my mother's training education, may find themselves at a loss. Thanks to Twitter, I have found a number of great ideas. Here are some:
Teach_Preschool Toilet Paper Roll Snowman http://bit.ly/ecWSfk
#ece #preschool #teachpreschool

KCAAPreschools Holiday Painting for Toddlers http://bit.ly/
h2EiNZ #ece #preschool #teachpreschool RT @Teach_Preschool

kennyconley Getting ready to setup the nativity... Or as Sara said
"pulling Jesus out of the box." Just about anything with Nativity Scenes can be educational and spiritual formation. I made a set from toilet paper rolls and wrapping paper with my daugther. I made a set with styrofoam, an old tablecloth and lots of copper paint with my mother. Dad made a decopage set that was life-sized and with yard stakes and spotlights became our major outside decoration.
Sometimes the trick with a larger homeschool family is to find one activity that can be engaged in at different ages. Any of these might work, if the work is divided up thoughtfully, and with an eye to safety.

For the youngest of children, I like Fischer-Price's nativity scene. Not an advertisement for the company, but I do think nativity scenes - and Noah's ark can be good play things for tots. And their's is safe, while some traditional sets break or might have paint that was unsafe for little mouths.

Greenmoms Simple Holiday Entertaining Tips (Easy and Kid-
Friendly): (This is an interview with author and chef Lulu Power... http://bit.ly/f7KOLV

Teach_Preschool Holiday Painting for Toddlers http://bit.ly/h2EiNZ
#ece #preschool #teachpreschool

Please share your ideas, too.

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