Friday, October 29, 2010

Safety on Halloween

Our government can suggest some safety tips for Halloween: safe costumes, safe traffic patterns, safe neighborhood practises. I remember the Halloween of my youth when a child died due to poisoning;d ever since people have been frigthened. My mother made me promise not to eat a single candy until she could look at each one. Anything possibly unwrapped previously was trashed. Then a heap was stashed.

But really, that child was poisoned by her own parent. For insurance money.

Sure, if you do the traditional Halloween things, an eye to safety is warranted. I hope the above link helps. However, many of the perils of Halloween are in the home, in the mind, and in the Spirit.

I am not suggesting you invite Fear or Religion in, to replace traditional cutsey goblins. That sort of response has negative consequences too. There is however, plenty of real and scary things. There are real temptations in the world today to involve oneseld in occult, witchcraft, other gods, and a myriad of death reveling practises. This should be frankly discussed with your offspring at the right moments. God's word is very very clear about the consequences of following other Gods, bowing at other altars, and choosing death.

Please read such scriptures are these to remind yourself and your family: Deuteronomy 5: 8, Deut. 12:2, Deut 28:58. The Jews were very clear that there was only one God, and that he was "jealous" or in other words required worship unmixed with the customs of other religions. Today our youth have the widest possible array of options. They are invited to covens, rituals, and spoofs.

More importantly, however, our whole society and even the most religious among us, are being invited to death, despondency, and helplessness in our culture today. When the nation goes through hard times, when conventional wisdom insists on its unhealthy patterns, and when the flesh refuses to take repsonsibility and comes up with any number of excuses, people are succumbing to a numbing, a drubbing, a sucking down into the depths.

Rather than focussing on merely staying away from your evil neighbors, try this. Look to the Lord of life. Check out this scripture: Deut. 30:19 &20 Now choose life, so that you and your children may live, and that you may love the LORD your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast o him. For the LORD is your life, and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

You might not want real estate in Israel, but you probably do want to life in the land of rest, of promise, of LIFE.

So this is a good time to say, choose Life, celebrate Life, and thank the LORD for all the life and love and love blessings. AMEN! GLORY!

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