Sunday, March 21, 2010

Giving Offense : wieghing the flesh's comfort with the eternal destiny of a person

I've been meditating with my Intercessory Team about offenses. We are taking authority over the spirit of taking offense. There has been a revelation along this line in the Body of Christ in the past few years. Actually we seen even more Scriptures on not giving offense, and this has largely been ignored in the Body of Christ, particularly by the evangelical clergy.

I assume you heard the guest on Ravi Zacharias' program Saturday, who argued that we need to invest more in apologetics, and that if we don't, we will lose the harvest we are garnering in Africa, that we will lose our young people, as they are educated and so hearing the challenges to the gospel. The responsibility of the clergy, and really of all of us, to have an articulated clear explanation of why what we believe makes sense, you know, having an answer for the hope that is within us, is our sacred responsibility.

Too often we Christians in the United States are insulated in our own little cocoon, and we never think about communicating with those outside. This is even more true for the clergy, since we are employed in the church, but we are ALL called to be fishers of men, evangelistic. One would think that those of us who are “evangelical,” that is, who believe in the Bible and believe people need to be born again, would be more, rather than less, interested in speaking to those outside, but alas. In this oversight, we get lazy and get great offense.

For instance, people outside when they hear Christian radio program and children know ahead of time that therefore it is all about spanking. Right? So I am calling to find underwriting sponsors and once gal wanted to know what I say about discipline. I was taken aback by this, and attempted to give and answer, but no, the woman “knew” I was lying. I was a Christian; I was talking about children; therefore I was just preaching abuse. “That IS what it is about, isn't it?” she asked. And you know exactly why she thought this. But the truth is, of course on MY broadcast, it was not until the 18th month that spanking was even alluded to and that by a guest. There is just more to childrearing than punishment – and clearly that is why this ministry is so needed.

A woman came to talk with me last Sunday. She was clearly very educated, could read Greek and Hebrew and I had all I could do to keep up with her wide ranging knowledge. She dropped some factual bits of practical knowledge that I needed in my quest to learn more about broadcasting. But finally a point came. She lamented the difficulties that fundamentalists were bringing tot he world. She admitted, however, the difficulty of definition, that she was not talking about the theological position of the 5 fundamentals of the faith. (You see, she understood clearly what she was talking about.) No, she was talking about those people who believe their scriptures literally and who proselytize, whether Christina, Muslim or Hindu. So, searching for a term, she lighted on a pretty good choice: evangelical – although the media never calls Muslim and Hindus evangelical, indeed it was not a bad match. She joyed in the fact that fewer and fewer of America;s young people are adhering to this form of religion. Once again, right. Barn says that of US 18 year olds, only 2% are churched. She rejoiced then, that perhaps evangelicalism is dying out from our nation. Why? Because evangelical (see her definition) are responsible for so much evil in the world – they go around bombing.

I hope you think about this. I hope you think about this long if you are clergy. I hope you ask Holy Spirit for wisdom on this. I want you to see why this seems like a reasonable conclusion to this woman. And don't be like that.

Do you remember the Bible Study we had summer before last? I had asked for a study on how to witness. Rather comically, the only session in that study about how to witness was allotted to me; I had to teach it. That night, the leading student, in discussion, responded what she would do if she were in a situation such as I had spun --- at a musical festival where strangers talk and such a person had made a comment that we all believe in the same God and that all spiritual paths lead to the same destination. The response was a Scripture verse, so right in itself, but I pointed out how JUST quoting that would come across like a slap in the face. So I suggested what I would do is acknowledge my new acquaintance sharing her feelings with me, but that I saw it differently, because of the scriptures and experience, and then THEN quote the Scripture, so coming across as a respectful sharing of feelings and life rather than a slap and discredit.

How about let's thinking about how we are coming across to those outside? How about moving a little more toward evangelism? How about being a little more mature in terms of thinking of others instead of ourselves. How about being a little more responsible in terms of learning how to articulate our faith in a reasonable and understandable manner.

Happy witnessing. May your harvest be great.

Monday, March 15, 2010

On Taking Offense

The spirit of offense is wreaking havoc in the church, in individual lives, and in the world today. Taking offense stops growth, prevents miracles, and fights against the spread of the gospel. Taking offense is perseverating (thinking over and over) on what someone else did wrong. A better definition might be that taking offense is when you keep thinking about your hurt feelings based on your judgment about what someone else did wrong. People who want to be strong in the Holy Spirit, will resolve never to take offense.

Matthew 11: 6, Matthew 26:53, John 15:25, 23, John 16:1, I John 2:9

Indeed, if you do a study of offense, and compare the King James Version with the New American Standard version, you will discover that “taking offense” equals “falling away” or “stumbling.” This is so, because when you take offense, you are choosing to take care of your flesh instead of be obedient and end up finding yourself worshiping the accuser. If you instead, keep your eyes on Jesus, making no provision for your flesh, then you stay in forgiveness and find forgiveness and the favor of God having a clear channel to you.

Notice the definition of offense above. You make a judgment. You nurse hurt feelings. You keep thinking about it. Then satan, casts fiery darts through you to hate, to divide, and you are now a very good catcher or target while you are nursing your flesh like this.

There are a lot of weak links in this chain. The first is that your judgment may be way off. Next, let's think about what nursing wounds often looks like: coddling the flesh.

Notice that coddling your flesh is practically the same as being immature. Maturity calls and impels you to set aside your own small interests, consider others, and so move in a higher level. I have seen a lot of very immature behavior lately. I urge you to ask yourself if what you are fussing about is really the fault of the persons you are blaming or if it is not really your own fault. I ask you to ask yourself, when you are privileging yourself not to take responsibility, if you are not really only arguing that YOU can be a small child if you want. I urge you to ask yourself, when you are being challenged to stand up and be a soldier ofr the kingdom and you have some good sounding excuse, if you are not really merely only giving an excuse. You might get away with all of these things in conversation in the church, because people know that they are supposed to “be nice” in church. Nevertheless, they may clearly see that you have chosen to be immature and are advertising this. God for sure sees.

Let me show you then, what taking offense looks like.

Baby throws down cookie from high chair and screams because she doesn't have the cookie anymore.
I see this all the time. People are not happy with their results, but don't see that their choices caused those results. Somehow it feels better to blame others, even God, instead of making different choices. Only that, however, will work.

Toddler is mad because daddy has gone off to work.
I have seen this recently. People tend to see things from their own perspective. If they had a larger, more mature perspective, they would see that daddy needs to go to work and is doing precisely what daddy is supposed to do – even for them. Somehow throwing a fit seems like a good idea, but sitting and crying really does not accomplish anything. Stop blaming, and get up and play (doing your own work) until you learn a larger perspective.

Elementary kid is angry at teacher because she points out that he needs to turn in his papers.
I always see this. Correction from someone who cares about you is a great gift. Some people, instead of choosing to acknowledge this, because they would rather not take responsibility, then feel like it would be a good idea to hate the teacher. Then they don't turn in their papers. Then they make bad grades. Then they fail the class. Then they say, “you see, she just had it in for me.”

Teen is angry because parent does not loan her the car.
I see this a lot. Why should a teen assume that the car is hers? Go out, work, and buy a car. Then you will have one to drive. The fact that you are angry because someone is not letting you drive their car shows that you are not ready to be lent the car.

Young married is angry because he or she is not getting enough attention from the spouse. “I will love you if you love me.”
A better solution would be to inject some love into the situation, because you sow what you reap. If both partners act list this, the marriage will soon wither. An entitlement mentality is creeping everywhere – comically, especially where people speak against it. Charity has become a bad word in our icicles today, but it is the translation of the word agape, divine love.

Blaming others, instead of taking responsibility is immature. It is also the heart of taking offense. Even when someone has clearly, blatantly, knowingly, repeatedly wronged you – the best course of action is to move on. Forgive, and turn toward God. Otherwise, you too will be prey for satan. The original hurt becomes like a Nazgul dagger (from the Lord of the Rings story), that once sticking in you, poisons your system. Even if someone did do something dastardly, and they will, even brothers will, you must choose to go with God. Don't let Satan pick you off.

When you find yourself taking offense, repent, turn around. If you are into a spirit of offense, cast it down, off of you and ask the Lord's forgiveness, choose by force of will to forgive if there really is some wrong done to you (but as we have seen, most is nothing of the kind), and ask God the Holy Spirit to fill you, guide you, teach you. Resolve to listen and to do.

Cleanse yourself of offense. Forgive. Even forgive God, if it comes to that. Only in this way will you have a clean, clear channel for your prayers to be answered. -- GSB

Monday, March 1, 2010

Build Character to Carry the Anointing - Be David and Not Saul

I am seeing a dramatic problem across the Body of Christ, across the folks in the moving of the Spirit in this city and among my own team. I believe that there is no greater problem that needs attention to at this time. It is the problem of not being diligent in character while expecting the anointing. You need character to carry the anointing. If you don't, you will not continue to carry it, the ministry will be harmed, the gospel may be discredited, and it God will judge you more harshly because you have had access to the holy things.

Think of Saul. The text says that God sent an evil spirit upon him. We don't believe that God ever is the author of evil. On the contrary, this simply was the way of things, that Saul had access to the anointing, and did not continue behavior in the fear of the Lord. He was presumptuous, he lied, he did not obey what he was told. He was fearful; he was self-concerned, he was self-willed. He became miserable and died. In the end, he even was sitting with witches. This is the end of those who seek anointing without godly character – practical witchcraft.

I see people choosing the path of Saul all around me. Oh, never meaning anything but choosing the sweetness of God, they want only that and never the dictates of discipline and the outcome of character. They choose their convenience. Then they cover up their shortcomings, and flatter themselves that they are not really being deceptive. They do not keep their word. They ignore it. They presume to tell the anointed what to do, when they do not have that assignment, that experience, that training, and they persist after indication that they are off the mark. This is lack of fear of God. They do not seek teaching and are deaf to correction.

People have begun to move in the supernatural. Good. But where is it going? Have you seen a wilting? Have you seen an lack of increase? What do you think is the problem? Is it we need to pray more, maybe fast more, maybe cut ourselves? Maybe God has taken the day off? I don't think so.

Are you finding yourself tempted to focus on other people's sins? Gossip? Be distracted into being against something or someone? Have you heard of projection? Well known in psychology, projection is the tendency of people to identify in others the problem that is resident in themselves that they wish to deny. Liars think everyone is lying. Disrespectful people see everyone as disrespectful. Irresponsible people tend to think, identify, and --- really by surrounded by -- irresponsible people. And petty. And little. And fake. Is this what you want?

So what should you do? First off, go immediately to the Father and discuss your discomfort at reading this. Do this now. Ask Holy Spirit to judge you and root out your shortcomings. Ask for direction and wisdom on how to apologize. Do more than resolve to start being diligent to be honest, respectful, and industrious; make structures, idiot proof plans, channels for your time and behavior. Make plans and work the plan and the plan will work.

Stop making excuses. Stop saying, “well the Spirit is not moving now.” Stop saying, “well, they are blessed.” No, people whom you see as blessed are more hardworking and that is why they have results. People whom you see as blessed are more willing to take correction and teaching. People whom you see as blessed are those who are willing to take responsibility. This is true in the workplace. This is true in school. This is true in health. And for sure it is true in the life of the Body of Christ.

The truth is that there are no locks on the doors of heaven. The truth is that Hell can't keep you in unless you permit it. The truth is God is willing to let you get as close to Him as you want to get. The truth is that you can have as big a ministry as you are willing to have. But you can't get there if you don't work with the Shepherd.

Choose now if you want to be in the Saul group or the David group.

Not everybody could tell the difference. Notice how Nabal chose the power of Saul and therefore treated David poorly. Abigail, by contrast, saw character that carried anointing. One was blessed and the other not. You be Abigail. You be David. Don't just be entertained by the Word and song! Be changed! Yes, seek the anointing, but be diligent to be diligent, truthful, industrious, respectful, and obedient. Build character so you can carry the anointing, keep the anointing, be increased and very blessed in the anointing and the harvest that it will grow. -- GSB