Thursday, September 2, 2010

Wife battering, domestic abuse his sermon last Sunday night in Dallas mentioned that a man should not raise his hand against a woman. That was not the topic of his sermon, but he did mention it. And then he asked for an "amen" from the men present. I was already saying "Thank you."

This is the first time I have in all my many hours of hearing sermons ever heard a sermon that mentioned that wife beating is wrong. I did hear one minister mention that beating one's wife was wrong; and btw that was on TBN earlier this decade and that preacher was African American too.

Shame on everybody else. I have heard an awful lot of sermons on "wives submit"  in the 1980s -- so many that I wonder if they did not sound like approval. Preached so hard that I wonder if they were actually Biblical.

Only since 2006 have I heard "man is head of the woman" correctly preached as not archon/ruler but kephale/source. Look folks, followers of Jesus should be leading the pack in terms of justice, kindness, and help for women -- and anyone else who needs help, protection and so forth.

Thank you, Bishop, for your leadership. Preachers, take note.