Saturday, September 5, 2009

Do we need two blogs?

This blog was originally intended to go with, primarily for homeschoolers.
I now have which is very much about faith for learning, but includes students and teachers of all kinds as well.  I feel we need a blog for teachers. Can we all use this site?  Or do we need to break out? 

For now, let's use just one, and rethink this question when we have more traffic.

Thanks, Sharon Sarles

Encouraging teachers

Good teachers are hard to find. They are harder to keep. The system beats them down.
How can we encourage better teaching?

At my campus, I partnered with the campus manager to have a welcome/hospitality time. Since we have many adjuncts, we decided to do this for two days as a hospitality time in the faculty lunchroom.

People came in, smiled to see the goodies and introduced themselves to me and one another. A small step in blessing.

What could be done at your campus?