Friday, October 22, 2010

Still vaccinating children?

as heartbroken and incredulous in the library the other day. I was standing, doing my business at the circulation desk, when a woman came in, asking for some kleenex.  The librarian kindly asked her if she were okay.
"Oh, yes, just need a little kleenex. My daughter is crying."
"Is she okay?"
"Well, I just took her to get a shot. I thought that would make her happy."

And I'm thinking -- "You risked your daughter's total well-being. Risked a more than 1 in 100 chance that she would suffer brain damage or social impairment?!?  And for what? To avoid a 24 hour stomach virus?  That is grossly irresponsible.

And why would any small child be made happy by someone sticking metal in their body -- even if it were safe and healthy and for a good cause? That is completely crazy -- out of touch with reality.

But I don't live in a society that in which I could report this as child abuse. There was nothing we could do but stand there, agape.

Well, I could mention, in a blog, the interviews I did with Dr. Ensign and Dr. Wakefield (link above, scroll donw to June 10)  Please also notice the link to Dr. Maulden.

They are smearing Wakefield, but he is an internationally respected scientist. And children are getting helped in an observable way at Thoughtful House in Westlake/Austin, Texas, that he was instrumental in founding. They say they don't have any idea what causes autism, even though there is now a dozen years of studies published in peer reviewed journals. State health authorities are pushing vaccines like they are going out of style. Reports are that vaccines have carried not just pollutants but deadly germs -- see Senator Clinton apologizing to Guatemala. Rumors have it that some vaccines are really population control. It couldn't be, could it? Even if they wanted us dead, why would they want us mentally impaired?  And why would a mother want that for her daughter?  Or could she not have known? Okay, maybe not.  But what about the doctor giving the shot?

O, btw, I read today in Parents' that immunizations will now be taken over by the public schools, so doctors don't have to fool with them.

Lord Jesus, come quickly!

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