Friday, June 8, 2007

Message and mission

I have a message that there is healing and hope for all our children. Jesus went about healing and preaching. There is still healing and truth to be found there, in Him, and in his Word and by The Spirit.

Specifically, I am interested in the flood of learning problems that we are seeing, increasing through the generations. This is reversable and often preventable. "When the enemy comes in like a flood, then the LORD raises a standard." I hope to serve at this point and in this way.

I have a testimony in my own family. My family of origin were interested in education, by the definintions of the 50s and 60s. My sister and I excelled in school. My daughter had problems that we struggled with. I received no real help from any source, although I sought it all her life. Her diagnoses would have been dyslexia and ADD. I was told she would never read - alhtough she was reading at the time. I was told she would never graduate from high school. She was valedictorian. She was discouraged from taking the SAT by here public high school which at that time was a DEA blue ribbon award winner. She now has a degree, with more planned.

Autistic, vegetable and retarded, huh? (Well, as the my daughter's generation used to say :) "NOT!"

Last year I left work and moved to the city to be close to them and home school them. My family questioned me. Why wasn't I at home making money? Look, I told them, I could never earn enough money in a whole lifetime to pay for the therapy they need, but I can give it to them. My pastor asked, "Can you really do this?" "Yes." "Then write a book." Later there were other directives.

The book is written and has been waiting at a publisher for a year. The website it up. A radio show is planned. In the meantime, I see that other much more famous people than I am have "entered the lists." Jordan Rubin is making a name for himself saying with more education and power exactly what I have said all my life. Benny Hinn now has on his site articles on wellness. Many others, both doctors and ministers, have recognized the need to begin to talk about healthy lifestyle. Great!

It is so very important. For decades now families have each thought that they were alone, with just a isolated tragic instance of a problem in a child to two, but actually we have a widespread problem. Twenty-five years ago when my daughter was in elementary school conservative estimattes were than 30 percent of the child had some sort of learning disability. When you consider that the definition was a statistically significant discrepancy between IQ and measured acheivement, then you realize that learning problems in general were widespread. Just think that only children who were brighter than average could get the label "LD." Didn't children who had average of less than average IQ also have the same sort of learning problems? The prevalence of ADD/ADHD and auditory processing problems has certainly increased. Now consider the prevalence of autism. In the 1950's 2 or 3 children of 10,000 were autistic, and now 1 in every 166. Even considering the change in diagnosis, admittedly we have seen a rapid and marked increase.

The problem is severe and sticking our heads in the sands does not help. Professionals coming up with reasons they don't have to address the situation does not help. Parents giving up and spending their thought process on spending on themselves does not help. It is grim pciture of the future of America.

The good news is that there is hope! There is healing ! There is wellness! Indeed, there is a promise of great Shalom. I've taken hold of this in my own family. I wish to share it with yours -- or with you in your educational practise -- or with your school.

I am an educator. I have done (social) scientific research. I am called as a minister of the gospel. In my own life, I've discovered that the rooting in the Gospel, my own spiritual development and lifestyle deduced from that, presupposed what science is only now discovering and which capitalism and scientism often opposes. Please let me share with you, from my heart, and not without some intellectual training, that I know and have found worked for my offspring.


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