Isa 54
Please let me proclaim to you what I have found in Isaiah Chapter 54. (Isaiah is a book in the Hebrew Scriptures, that Christians call “The Old Testament.” It is a big book about in the middle of the Bible.)
Verse 1
Shout for joy, O barren one, you who have borne no child
Break forth in joyful shouting and cry aloud, you who have not travailed:
For the sons of the desolate one will be more numerous than the sons of the married woman,” Says the Lord.
God is telling Israel that although they feel like a woman who has had no baby, that instead they would delight in a large family – the highest aim and blessing.. In that day a woman who could not have a child was looked down upon and was sad. Children were the ultimate blessing of the Lord. Posterity was the aim of the people Obviously, a woman with no man around will not have a lot of children. Here is a promise that Israel will find a time of blessing, productivity, fruitfulness, because of the supernatural blessing of God.
Christians, grafted into the olive tree of God’s people, hear in this God’s promise to them individually. Even though they have had dry times, times with lack, times with disappointment, nevertheless, God is saying here he will be their husband. They have know what it is to be without, to be away from God’s path and God’s blessing. Nevertheless, there is blessing close to the Lord. The productivity, the fruitfulness, the blessing will be from him. It will be beyond what is normally expected. It is supernatural.
Through the chapter, the Lord speaks tenderly to his people as he brings them back. He says He is the Maker and the Husband. Then like a husband comforting a tormented wife, he offers gifts -- only this is not just jewelry to make a woman happy. These are jewels that encrust a city. This means that God will make his people a a better, different peole, higher order of being, jewels of character, glorious in the nature of God, like Jesus was.
Slipped in, among the promises about what the people of God will be like, is a precious verse:
Verse 13
And all your sons will be taught of the Lord
And the well-being of your sons will be great.
And on…
In righteousness you will be established
You will be far from oppression, for you will not fear;
And from terror, for it will not come near you.
And the chapter goes on about the supernatural strength and protection of the people.
All of your offspring, meaning children and grandchildren, will be taught of God. It could read learned of the Lord. Jesus quotes this verse in John 6 and reads it t
“taught of God.’’ God will Godself teach our children. What a great promise!
And then get a load of this next one: GREAT shall be the Shalom of our offspring.
Shalom is peace, prosperity, and well-being. The well-being, the total wellness, the prosperity, the health and wealth, and the peace on all levels. What does that not include? We want the best for our children What is the best? Is it not SHALOM?
Yes! Some of us hope for careers. Some of us hope for health. Some of us hope for intelligence. Some of us hope for a modicum of peace. Some of hope for missing jail. Some of us hope for high school graduation. Some of us hope for mere survival. NO! God’s promise is more than basic health, more than basic peace of mind, more than just getting by. The promise of God is SHALOM. Well being.
Peace of mind and peace of territory.
Prosperity of heart and prosperity in the pocketbook.
Health in the body and health in the soul and health in the family.
And how much?
Don’t ask for …. But just for
Oh, just whatever…
RAV Shalom great shalom
You would think that shalom would be enough,. No, God says GREAT shalom.
Praise the Lord.
(If you are not already a Christian, you may be thinking, “Wow, this is too good to be true.” Yeah, it is amazing, isn’t it. But it is true. This is the deal. You repent, stop doing things your way and believe in Jesus, accept him and his way of doing things and you do get all these great promises – great SHALOM. If you are ready for this deal, just tell God by praying: Lord, I accept your deal. I repent from my ways, I accept your ways. I will exchange my life and your life. I receive Jesus as the path to you. I receive your love and your gifts. I will be your child and will let you be that ideal Father I have never yet know. Show me know how to live as your child. AMEN.
This is probably the only invitation you will ever get to join a royal family. Do let me know, so you can get what help you need as a newly born babe in God’s family.)
Concluding prayer for most readers
Father, Papi,
We do believe you. Help our unbelief. Help us hear your word./ Help us to receive your word. Help us to take hold of, claim, and make use of your promises.
We do want the best for our children. W know that you love us more than we love them. We know that you know better than we know. We know that you can envision good way beyond what we can envision. Therefore, we accept your vision.
We accept Shalom for us, for our family, for our children and grandchildren. We receive GREAT Shalom.
Give us a revelation of this promise, that you desire great Shalom. Help us facilitate your teaching our children. We commit to keeping this word before our eyes, in our mouths, and in our hearts.
Thank you for shalom Thank you for Great Shalom. Thank you for your great promise. Thank you for loving us. Thanks for your gifts. Thanks for great Shalom. Thank you very much.
We love you too. Amen.
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