Monday, October 25, 2010

Lead found in school water

The school building where I sometimes work, converted from being an elementary school to use as a college, in the very liberal, green town, has found to have lead pipes, and be dispensing contaminated water. Two decades ago, I knew a highly placed woman who went on a campaign in this town to be sure every last bit of lead was removed.  They found it especially in playgrounds. She had the clout to address it. And yet, at this late date, after having known that lead causes brain damage for what four decades, only now is lead in this school water detected. So much for the government protecting us.

No, look, this is just one example, but it is important. Today, we are swamp by regulations, purportedly to protect us. We are swamped by controvesry  suggesting that government needs to oversee everything from home schools to farmers market. Yet, here, the government has very many decades been poisoning first small children and then youth. And because they were government, they were screened from the activism of the community.

Today, the college has set up private company water dispenser and posted danger signs on all the water fountains.

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