Friday, October 29, 2010

Safety on Halloween

Our government can suggest some safety tips for Halloween: safe costumes, safe traffic patterns, safe neighborhood practises. I remember the Halloween of my youth when a child died due to poisoning;d ever since people have been frigthened. My mother made me promise not to eat a single candy until she could look at each one. Anything possibly unwrapped previously was trashed. Then a heap was stashed.

But really, that child was poisoned by her own parent. For insurance money.

Sure, if you do the traditional Halloween things, an eye to safety is warranted. I hope the above link helps. However, many of the perils of Halloween are in the home, in the mind, and in the Spirit.

I am not suggesting you invite Fear or Religion in, to replace traditional cutsey goblins. That sort of response has negative consequences too. There is however, plenty of real and scary things. There are real temptations in the world today to involve oneseld in occult, witchcraft, other gods, and a myriad of death reveling practises. This should be frankly discussed with your offspring at the right moments. God's word is very very clear about the consequences of following other Gods, bowing at other altars, and choosing death.

Please read such scriptures are these to remind yourself and your family: Deuteronomy 5: 8, Deut. 12:2, Deut 28:58. The Jews were very clear that there was only one God, and that he was "jealous" or in other words required worship unmixed with the customs of other religions. Today our youth have the widest possible array of options. They are invited to covens, rituals, and spoofs.

More importantly, however, our whole society and even the most religious among us, are being invited to death, despondency, and helplessness in our culture today. When the nation goes through hard times, when conventional wisdom insists on its unhealthy patterns, and when the flesh refuses to take repsonsibility and comes up with any number of excuses, people are succumbing to a numbing, a drubbing, a sucking down into the depths.

Rather than focussing on merely staying away from your evil neighbors, try this. Look to the Lord of life. Check out this scripture: Deut. 30:19 &20 Now choose life, so that you and your children may live, and that you may love the LORD your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast o him. For the LORD is your life, and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

You might not want real estate in Israel, but you probably do want to life in the land of rest, of promise, of LIFE.

So this is a good time to say, choose Life, celebrate Life, and thank the LORD for all the life and love and love blessings. AMEN! GLORY!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Love challenges in classroom, workplace

When we face a troublesome student (or a challenging co-worker or troubling boss), we often find ourselves thinking in conflict terms. Perhaps they mean to incite conflict. Maybe they are carrying on aggressiont theater. Maybe they are merely challenging. Whatever the situation, if we will resist the temptation to see this as a fight and instead see it as a love challenge, we will have boosted our probability of success.

Love, in this case, is not syruppy, rose colored glasses. We mean agape here, and not eros, surely either. In this case, we mean keeping the good of the other person in mind. In this way one can more easily achieve win-wins. But to use that language only gets part of the way down the road. We are not aiming for compromise, some win and some lose for all. Rather, we are aiming for Kingdom -- highest good for all.

Sister Sharon, be reasonable. No. I am. For instance, this term I have been struggling with a very challenging student. It is too soon to tell you the details. It came to formal discipline time. In the preparation, though, I prayed for guidance, and looked for good resolutions. Had it been my intention simply to punish him, I surely would have had the opportunity. Had it been my intention simply to win, I probably would have, but not without a large fight. But as my intention was to help, and to continue to teach even in this situation -- and not the academic discipline only, but also the social and cognitive skills generally needed in academia, I was able to find a solution that satisfied everyone and helped the student continue in the path of learning, achievement and personal growth.

It was a much better feeling than the fear and angst of fight.

The servant of the Lord must not strive, but patiently teach and gently correct. There is still more in that passage in 2 Timothy 2.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Learning about tweeting and blogging : Who is really tweeting you?

I noticed that everydayhealth's article, below was tweeted. When I asked, privately for the Tweeter to do for better vetting, I was quickly unfollowed. I also wrote a critical blog. Given that I have studied this and have some decades of knowledge, and asked politely, I began to wonder. Of course, I am only just now learning about this social networking stuff. I may have overlooked some point of politeness? However, given the look and bias of this site (everydayhealth), I begin to realize that some people tweet and blog and are real people -- well let's say some are individuals doing it for pleasure, some for passion that might be business or non-profit -- and some are corporations.  Who was retweeting?  Was it the same people? the same ones who appeared to be putting out scientific data, but were really putting out a very skewed impression, self-serving to the monetary interests of medical industry/providers. I would like to know who is talking.

The same happens in the "association" world. For instance, SANE/Freeze was a citizen group organized around the mission of trying to limit nuclear war. The nuclear industry, in response got wives of executives and employees to form an "association." That is perfectly legal.  It was made to appear to politicians that the public was divided on the subject, with some citizens for and some against.  But they didn't seem like two equal, mirror image groups with just different viewpoints, to me. One was a citizen group; the other a front for a corporation.  Nowadays, I notice there are a variety of "autistic support groups."  Some are really coalitions of parents. One I know of, is really not, but it looks like it.  Even members may not know. But they depend on the information they get there.

Trouble is now that "the authorities" are often not the best sources of information. For instance, if you want scientific information, (peer reviewed journals, with dobule blind studies, and high number of respondents) for medical information, your doctor -- unless he or she is unusual-- is probably the least likely to know, as well as the most expensive to use. (I'm not panning doctors here. They are the best for diagnosis and wise guidance in treatment, but librarians are the best professionals for curating and finding information. I'm panning deceptive marketing by medical industry corporations.) AMA -- caught them denying scientific research was being done. Even JAMA and other medical journals, for instance, will admit "studies" that are not experiments and have very small Ns. Perhaps understandable given the difficulty of observing human subjects, but the practise would not fly in social sciences.

This is a long way of saying: information consumer, beware!  People who can't  or won't discuss, can't or won't be questioned, can't or won't give evidence, can't or won't look at their philosophical underpinnings, and can't or won't tell you who they are -- are giving you big red flags that they may be lying, stealing, killing, and or destroying.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Prayers... triumph in persecutions

I have set the LORD always before me, ecause He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Ps 16:8

Notice the context: I will not pour out their libations of blood or take up their names on my lips. Other "gods" surround you. Today they don't only tempt you; now they attack you. They attempt to shame  you for not going with them. We see this in the classroom, in the media, and in social contexts.  People attack you simply for being righteous. You don't do porn? Something must be wrong with you! Life has become weird.

But it is important that we don't take up similar libations of blood - hurting other hearts. It is important that we keep Truth and Love on our lips.  Don't be swayed to their kind of haughtiness, their kind of disrespect, and their kind of hatefulness.  This is an underlying demonic intent of persecution.

But, bless God! When we keep looking at Jesus, when we enter into His presence, there is a wonderful analgesic. All this painful stuff doesn't hurt so much. We can be established and not shaken. We can continue to be glad, no matter what. We stand in faith and therefore are not thrown donw. We speak the Word, and therefore we can keep our mouth powerful and we can continue to rejoice.  And you know what? Even greater, our flesh can rest in hope. Today even science knows that continuing in confidence rather than strife, and especially in altruism (love) rather than hate -- results in better health.

This very Psalm is quoted to be about Jesus. His flesh rested in hope. He trusted in God. It worked for Him. It works exactly the same for us. Because we are in Him. Recieve Resurrection Life.  People will try to crucify you in any case.  So don't worry about that. Get into the Christ, and go through triumphantly.

Monday, October 25, 2010

ADHD -- how much is it really a valid diagnosis? How much addressable by better lifestyle mesaures?

I'm very concerned about this article. Sure, there IS a brain wiring problem that should be diagnosed as ADHD. You heard that talked about on one of my broadcasts by the expert in this metro area. However only 3 to 5 % of children could be so diagnosed, while fully 88% of the population respond to red dye with symptoms like ADHD. Each and every "test" item on this page, obscures the whole truth, will encourage poor parenting, and encourages reliance on the medical industry that admittedly has no scientific criteria for this diagnosis and extremely poor "solutions." Yet, this page looks very proper. Notice the imprimatur in the lower right hand corner. A person needs to be a very discerning consumer of information -- because some of the most official is exactly dis-information, or self-serving propaganda.

My position is that proper lifestyle measures should alwys be addressed first.  Given the absence of a scientific diagnosis, this seems even more salutary. If lifestyle measures, such as laying off red dye work, then further measures are obviated. Always better to use measures that are generally pro-health.  Always use expensive, health undermining measures as last resorts.

But of course, there may be some people who get paid for pushing controlled substances.

GSB is not against medicine. It is for healing -- anyway it comes. The first step is one toward general basic wellness lifestyle. Numerous scientific studies show that such measures make for health, as well as undergirding any medical interventiont that seems necessary.  GSB comes from a faith perspective, an educational perspective and a parental perspective.

Therefore, I would like to see a world of improvement; I think this is not good parental education at all. It misinforms parents with half-truths. It denigrates what moms can do. It is more likely to reduce health and transfer wealth than to help the lives of children.

Lead found in school water

The school building where I sometimes work, converted from being an elementary school to use as a college, in the very liberal, green town, has found to have lead pipes, and be dispensing contaminated water. Two decades ago, I knew a highly placed woman who went on a campaign in this town to be sure every last bit of lead was removed.  They found it especially in playgrounds. She had the clout to address it. And yet, at this late date, after having known that lead causes brain damage for what four decades, only now is lead in this school water detected. So much for the government protecting us.

No, look, this is just one example, but it is important. Today, we are swamp by regulations, purportedly to protect us. We are swamped by controvesry  suggesting that government needs to oversee everything from home schools to farmers market. Yet, here, the government has very many decades been poisoning first small children and then youth. And because they were government, they were screened from the activism of the community.

Today, the college has set up private company water dispenser and posted danger signs on all the water fountains.

No Nestle Week and Yes breastfeeding week

refashionista RT @that_danielle: Bloggers: write a post telling
abt yr concerns w Nestle let them know what you are doing about it. #noNestle #nonestle
about 11 hours ago via
Retweeted by phdinparenting and 2 others

clementinenw Boycotting Nestle due to harmful infant formula
marketing practices does not mean we judge moms who formula feed. #nonestle

Not still?  Wow! when my daughter was a baby, we were boycotting Nestle. We heard of thousandas of baby bottles on hillsides of graves in Africa. My daughter is in her 30s now. I thought Nestle had wised up and was not pushing their formula on the thrid world before my daughter went to elementary school! I sure didn't appreciate their insistence that I take formula home, along with a romance novel, from the hosptial. Of course I threw both away. I had a fine time nursing my baby -- even though that was not common back then. Wow! that is a great memory. I am SO GLAD I did the best for my child! Something went really right. And often that is the way it has been for me: do what I know is right, step aside from the commercial lemming culture. But boycotts ... well, power to you girls... but Nestle has not learned. How about this: why not go evangelize your peers. Let them know they need to do the best for their babies, and research or think for themselves, and not let people who want profits over well-being sell them.

Bless you for working for others.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Right eating can fix your teeth

*The Oral Health Bible by Michael P. Bonner and Earl Mindell
*Cure Tooth Decay: Heal and Prevent Cavities with Nutrition (First Edition) by Ramiel Nagel and D.D.S. Timothy Gallagher
* Kiss Your Dentist Goodbye: A Do-It-Yourself Mouth Care System for Healthy, Clean Gums and Teeth - Paperback (Jan. 1, 2010) by Ellie Phillips

We all knew eating right was good for you. Did you have any idea that it could heal cavities!?!
Now, let's see, if you can "mineralize cavities" and grow dentum... then maybe we could prevent bone loss too. You think? Maybe eat like collard greens and black beans with calcium, instead of  pop that leaches calcium out of bones. Maybe we should publish that? But no, that would cut the profits of people who sell stuff for osteoporosis (calcium pills and horse estrogen).  But wait, horse estrogen makes cancer. But wait, that makes even more profit. As long as people aren't eating green vegetables and such. As long as we can keep them sugar addicted, and stupid, then we can sell them more stuff -- until they are dead. But they've made kids, who they have addicted to sugar by that time. AAAK! Okay, I'm going to have to go get some collards and black eyed peas, and then some organic milk* and apples to calm down.  Bye!

Best stuff anywhere: The farmers' market

Here is a farmers' market that posted some pictures. It was a great day. Got outside. Met people. Bought REAL food. Heard some music. Met some artisans. Got growing tips. Flirted with babies. I recommend it. Find or found one in your neighborhood.

Community Supported Agriculture

Only 1 out of 10 children eat the recommended 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily. Survey reveal that becoming a member of a CSA (community supported agriculture) families significantly increased their intake of fruits and vegetables.  -- This from  -- which strangely could not be pasted in here. Anyway, this is how some CSAs work : pay monthly dues and get weekly boxes of whatever is in season. Also some growers at the farmers' market might make such a deal with you: subscribe, and get a weekly box. It will help your child in a major way! Let's see, healthier brains, bones, bodies, and ideas about the world. Also will help the local ecnomoy, the environment, the family farm, emergency preparedness, and bio-diversity. Sounds good to me.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Help in moving away from plastic

This was too cute to pass up. They will give you a hairbrush for leaving plastic behind.
Boar bristle -- I always did use it. Dad said it was best. He was a Fuller Brush salesman many many years ago.

I didn't know that such things as hairbrushes could be harmful. That seems too much.  I do know, however, that one should not store oil ( or milk or water hot including  from the sun) in plastic, as bad things leach out. Such as psuedo-estrogens. Softer plastics are more dangerous. Many plastics should never be used as food containers.

So now I wonder about plastic teethers. Yeah, and I never liked plastic panties or pads - yuk! give me untreated cotton!!!  I commend the site to your perusal and consideration.

The only place plastic is good and dependable, it seems, is neuroplastity. Bring  that on !

Report of HPV vaccine, unsafe, banned in India not in US

Looks like the vaccine that was railroaded onto Texans by Gov. Rick Perry, has proven unsafe in India.  Actually, we have had more girls to die than India has. Can it be deduced that America cares even less about its girls than India does?

Alex Jones says flu vaccine dangerous, and discusses cover-up

Here is a clip of Alex Jones, a news commentator, talking about the dangers of the flu vaccine.

Still vaccinating children?

as heartbroken and incredulous in the library the other day. I was standing, doing my business at the circulation desk, when a woman came in, asking for some kleenex.  The librarian kindly asked her if she were okay.
"Oh, yes, just need a little kleenex. My daughter is crying."
"Is she okay?"
"Well, I just took her to get a shot. I thought that would make her happy."

And I'm thinking -- "You risked your daughter's total well-being. Risked a more than 1 in 100 chance that she would suffer brain damage or social impairment?!?  And for what? To avoid a 24 hour stomach virus?  That is grossly irresponsible.

And why would any small child be made happy by someone sticking metal in their body -- even if it were safe and healthy and for a good cause? That is completely crazy -- out of touch with reality.

But I don't live in a society that in which I could report this as child abuse. There was nothing we could do but stand there, agape.

Well, I could mention, in a blog, the interviews I did with Dr. Ensign and Dr. Wakefield (link above, scroll donw to June 10)  Please also notice the link to Dr. Maulden.

They are smearing Wakefield, but he is an internationally respected scientist. And children are getting helped in an observable way at Thoughtful House in Westlake/Austin, Texas, that he was instrumental in founding. They say they don't have any idea what causes autism, even though there is now a dozen years of studies published in peer reviewed journals. State health authorities are pushing vaccines like they are going out of style. Reports are that vaccines have carried not just pollutants but deadly germs -- see Senator Clinton apologizing to Guatemala. Rumors have it that some vaccines are really population control. It couldn't be, could it? Even if they wanted us dead, why would they want us mentally impaired?  And why would a mother want that for her daughter?  Or could she not have known? Okay, maybe not.  But what about the doctor giving the shot?

O, btw, I read today in Parents' that immunizations will now be taken over by the public schools, so doctors don't have to fool with them.

Lord Jesus, come quickly!

Fear is the driver of this society, but it could be Love

One of my students came up with a sophisticated theory about how our society is fear driven. Outlined the drivers of the institutions of our society. Impressive.

But could it be otherwise?  Why couldn't society be drive by Love, Truth, Justice?  Isn't that what the Kingdom of God is all about?  But it was Sociology class, so I mentioned Sorokin. Sorokin was the founder of the Sociology Department at Harvard, who by the end of his career in like the 1950s was studying love. Which of course made him the odd man out.

So I did a foray to find out more about Sorokin, and HalleluJah! found that there is an academic institute devoted to studying love and which promoted Sorokin among others. Guess what! Love is related to better healing, psychological health, and probably social dynamics like crime in a city too. Let's study this some more, yes?

Monday, October 18, 2010

Leadership in the kingdom, especially in education and parenting

On The Great Shalom Broadcast, I've been talking about the dangerous, difficult times we are in, and are facing. HalleluJah that we have some heads up, and some instruction.  What are you seeing the Word?  I am seeing that we need to get in our places, work according to the Operations Manual. We need to be able to react out of muscle memory, or in other words, have drilled and become experienced enough in doing things correctly that sudden fear doesn't knock us out. Can we advance in adversity? Can we praise God in spite of how things look? Can we remain confidently on the path, no matter what?  We need to use the little things we face now to prepare ourselves for strong attacks. Let's not fool ourselves and think we are getting away with something if we slough off.

Also, good soldiers are noticed and get promoted. We need leadership in this hour. How can the Kingdom come on earth, with no one living in it?  Or able to be the civil magistrates in it?   If you want to live in utopia rather than dystopia, you have the be the change you want to see.

So stop complaining and start contributing. Stop looking for love and start giving it out.  Stop being haughty and start serving, working, inspiring.

The Master of the House is coming back, and what will He find His servants doing?  The CO is about to show up, and how are the soldiers in the army of Love acting?

Are you AWOL?  Come back now?  Are you in place but just marking time?  Step UP!  It is all hands on deck now. General Quarters. This is not a drill.