Did you notice that Jesus says that the one who is diligent with a small assignment will be given more, but the one who is not, even that will be taken away? Is that not the way it always is? The employee who is not diligent is fired. The one who is, is given a promotion. It is a technology for success to be diligent and to keep agreements, do what you say you will. When you can be trusted, you are valuable. When you are lazy you are a drain on the organization and its mission. This is the way it always is. If you keep the Word in your ears, your eyes will see it everywhere.
Alternatively, if you see through the eyes of flesh, what you will see is that bosses everywhere are bad, and that only those who suck up are promoted, and you always get picked on and are generally cursed. Then as you rehearse this, and you will rehearse it because of the resentment that comes from lack of progress, you begin to think and teach that all success comes only through bad action. Then you are locked in the opposite of success. You have a bad attitude. You don't work with your boss. You are unpleasant to be around and sure enough, you get fired. That is the procedure.
Which path do you want to be on? Which path do you want your children on? Remember Scripture, see through the eyes of Jesus, and then you will see truly, speak truly, and find both liberty and reward.
Be blessed. -- GSB
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