Monday, January 18, 2010

Resolutions for the New Year

We are making some resolutions here at The Great Shalom.

First we are resolving to be Biblically based and in align with Holy Spirit,
sensitive to Holy Spirit's wakeup calls,
have continuous improvement in our purity,
to be rigourous in our honest and keeping of commitments,
and do to the best in loving service as we possibly can.

Will you join me in such resolutions? Already, a couple of weeks into the year, most New Year's Resolutions are broken. Falling down is not the real problem. The real problem is not getting back up. It would be an even bigger problem to fail to try to get up.

Alright, so I am resolving. I am challenging you to make these resolves. Want to?
Jesus has done a lot for us. Too much for us to just laze around. Too much for us to be overburdened by just mere business. Too much to be guided by just anybody who comes along. Isn't this what Jesus would want. I invite you to come along.


Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Resolution

We have the custom of making New Year's Resolutions. It is a fine idea to intend self improvement. However, self-improvement seems to be very limited. New Year's resolutions seem to last a few weeks, don't they?

But real commitment, real calling out to the Lord has transformed lives.

How about commit to a year of prayer, of listening, and of doing what God has instructed us to do?

God has told us what we are to do in the Bible, yet even the most dedicated, more professional Christians largely ignore the Bible. We hear so very loudly our own tradition when we read the text, become confused, ignore it, and often fail to apply the Word in our busy life.

However, look, doesn't God really get it? Aren't we the ones who really need instructions?  Wouldn't listening to the instructions of the Maker and Redeemer God be the best strategy?

So, when we hit a text we know we don't understand, let's ask Holy Spirit to teach us.  Then let's listen. When we are going on auto pilot, on good tradition and custom, let's ask the Holy Spirit to show us in the Bible what God really told us to do.  Then let's realize the big picture, what it looks like to God -- that we would be so much more blessed if we really DID what God tells us to do.  Knowing, or thinking we know, or doing good stuff, but not God's will, really is just junk.  Real blessing comes from hearing, attending, doing.

Make 2010 your best year ever. The challenges will be great. Victory is available.
Blessings and love to you and yours.